Sparks Fly

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Jennifer’s POV

I was so thrilled my best friend from Australia was coming to London... I was standing in the airport waiting for her. A voice over the intercom announced that the flight from Sydney had just landed and I glued my eyes to the gate waiting to catch a glimpse of her. After a few moments I see a head of blonde bouncy hair coming down the escalator...

"Nessa!!!!" I called out waving my hands. Her face lit up and I heard her signature squeal as she started to jump up and down, attracting stares from other people in the process.

"Jen!!!!" she cried running over and latching herself onto me.

"Oh my gosh! i can't believe you're here!" I smiled brightly, hugging her back.

"I know! It took me long enough to come and visit!"

"it did... I can't wait for you to see my new place here in London!!!" I grinned.

"Any cute neighbors?" she asked while smiling cheekily. "You know how I like cute boys."

"Oh most definitely..." I grinned, as we headed to baggage claim. My boyfriend was waiting patiently out at loading waiting for us.. She was just gonna flip out....

"Sooooo am I finally going to meet this boyfriend I keep hearing about?" She grabbed her bags and tossed them onto the trolley.

"Depends.. promise me you won't squeal.. he's outside with the car..." i said, as we headed out. A confused look crossed her face.

"Why would I squeal?" As we got outside I heard it.

"Love!!! Over here!" Harry's voice called out. I turned to Nessa and sure enough her mouth had dropped to the floor and her eyes were bugging outta her head.

"Noooooooo?" she said, in a hushed whisper. I giggled and nodded, pulling her in his direction.

"Hey babe.. get her bags?" I asked him.

"Of course..." he smiled and kissed my lips.

"fadojfhaosvhpasofvha" was the sound that came out of my besties mouth. Oh this was going to be interesting.

I just laughed, and used my finger to close her mouth, "You're catching flies Nessie..."

"Get off" she mumbled pushing my hand away. I giggled, and we got loaded, her in the backseat as i climbed in beside Harry as he drove us from the airport.

"So I guess you know me?!" Harry chuckled. She nodded.

"Harry Edward Styles, born Feb 1st 1994. Formerly of Holmes Chapel Cheshire now 1/5 of the British/Irish boy band One Direction." She smirked and folded her arms, obviously pleased with her answer.

"Alrighty then.... Niall is gonna like her.. she's feisty..." he joked to Jen.

"Niall?!" she said. Her mood perking up and smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Yes..... Niall.. remember the boys live in the same complex..." I giggled. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Funny, very funny."

"Oh come on.. you're going to meet him.. after all this time... don't you love me?!" I said, batting my eyes at her. She threw her arms around me.

"Of course I do! I'm meeting my future hubby because of you" Harry just laughed, as Nessa hugged me from the backseat. He shook his head and we pulled into a condo complex and parked in front of one.

"There... they're in the pool!" Harry said, pointing to the rest of his band mates.

"Hmmmm that means shirt less Niall....yummy." I heard Nessa purr. I just giggled as we got out of the car. Harry took her bags in as I headed over to the pool with her latched onto me.


Vanessa's POV

As we walked over Jen let out a whistle.

"BOYS!!!!" she called out. Four heads jerked in our direction including one with blonde hair and sexy blue eyes.

"Yeeeesssss?" called Louis

"This is Vanessa..." she said. They all perked up and hopped out of the pool.

"Well hello...." Zayn, said, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. A tiny giggle burst out of my mouth and I covered it quickly with the other hand hoping he didn't hear.

"Hi." I said trying to contain my inner fan girl that was dying to come out.

Niall perked up, "Aussie?" Oh god.. that accent.

"Yup proud Aussie. Born and raised." I replied while twirling my hair flirtatiously.

"Gosh I love your accent... it's.. cute..." he said, flashing me a cheeky grin. I blushed bright red.

"thanks...I've kind of always had a thing for Irish accents myself"

He smirked, "so.. you're here to visit? How long?!"

"Ummmm..." I said suddenly forgetting everything. See what you do to me Horan?!


"A week.... unless she decides she wants to stay longer..." Jen giggled.

"well, i can see we're no longer needed...." Liam said, pulling the other boys away.

"Yes.. how about we uh.... go inside...' Jen said, and left me standing there with Niall.

"Thanks Jen, thanks a lot." I muttered to myself? Now who was going to save me when I make a fool of myself?

"You seem nervous.." he said, gently brushing his hand on my arm. Oh god.. he's touching me.... I attempted to control myself as sparks flew up my arm from his touch.

"Well... I'm kind of a big fan...of you in particular." I said shyly tucking hair behind my ear

"Oh.. really?" he asked, as we walked slowly back toward the house. It was then I focused on his swim trunks, and naked dripping wet chest.. dear god.... I heard him laugh and I knew I'd been caught in the act.

"Enjoying yourself there?" he smirked.

"Oh god.. um I'm sorry..." i blushed, looking away, completely and utterly embarrassed.

"Don't be." he said grabbing a hold of my arm and gently pulling me in front of him. I had a great view of his bare chest and it took a great deal of will power not to reach out and touch it.

"O..Okay.." I stuttered out, unsure of where to put my hands.

"Soooo.....I know we've only met and stuff but... you want to go on a date with me?" he asked. HOLD UP! Did that just happen?!

"I'm sorry... It sounded like you just asked me out..." I said, with a giggle.

"yeah that's because I did." was his response.

"Oh gosh.. umm yes.. I'd love to..." I smiled, bashfully. He smiled widely and it made me go weak at the knees.

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 6.30?"

"Sure...... see you then..." I said, and he jogged off to his condo, leaving me in a daze.. just standing in the middle of the yard....


Sparks Fly: Sparks Fly Series Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now