Chapter 1

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"I'm going to miss you so much," my younger sister sobbs as she lays her head on my shoulder, "do you really have to go?"

"Lynn, stop acting like I'm dying or something, I'm just moving to New York. I'll email you every day and when I have the money I will visit during holidays," I explain as we pull up to the airport..

I say my goodbyes to everybody and board the plane. But the excitement and confidence I was feeling earlier has been replaced by anxiety and self doubt. I started to question myself and my skills, I had just graduated cosmetology school no more than a week ago after all. And what about the way I look? Did I even look the part to fit in to place like New York let alone work at a high end salon in the city? I was just an average girl who was born in Mexico and raised in California. There was nothing special about me, I was 5'2', petite, smooth light brown skin, long raven hair, and unexciting dark brown eyes. The only thing I had going for me was my wit, tattooes, and sense of style.

By the time the plane landed in New York I had mustered enough courage to not turn right back around and head home. Unfortunately that courage faded the moment I step foot onto the streets of the city. Everything seemed so hectic and trying to catch a taxi was next to impossible so I decided to walk. It was an extremely hot day and all I wanted was to find the hotel I had booked days before. After 2 hours of wandering around with no luck I finally give in and break down, I plop myself on the floor of a sketchy street next to a dingy bar, bring my knees to my chest, and just bury myself into them.

This is a fucking mistake, what am I even doing here? I should have turned around the moment I landed in this damn place. I'm not made for a place like this. . .

Suddenly I hear a deep yet surprisingly smooth voice say, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”

I was so far in my thoughts that without thinking or bothering to look up I responded in a more pissed off tone than intended, "Why the hell not?"

With a slight chuckle he responds, “Bums piss all over these streets ya know.”

“Fucking awesome, could this day get any worst?” I ranted

His hand reached down to me and when I took a hold of it I was surprised by the gentleness in his grip. Not being blinded by the lights I finally get a good look at him and am not dissappointed, he is extremely tall, slender, with honey greenish dreamy eyes, beautiful full lips, and messy neck length hair.

"You alright?" he asks and flashes me the most beautiful smile making my reaction time slow down by a couple of seconds.

"I'm. . .I'm fine, thanks, uuum, sorry for being such bitch, I’m just having a hard time," I finally manage to mutter.

“ Oh, It’s cool man, don't worry about, need a hand with your bags?”

Before I could even reply he was already reaching over to grab one.

“Oh, thanks…” I awkwardly respond, I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable being as I didn’t even know this person and he was suddenly caring one of my bags and walking with me.

"So where's your destination?" he asks but I can't bring myself to answer.

The uneasiness is growing inside of me, but the strange thing is that I don't necessarily feel uneasy because of him, but almost because I feel obligated to. All my life I was brought up to believe that strangers, especially in an unfamiliar place, were never to be trusted.

He must have sensed my uneasiness because he reached over and with that gorgeous smile on his face said “I’m Julian by the way”

“Hi Julian,” I awknowledged.

“And you are?”

“Look, Julian, right? I don’t know you okay? How do I know you’re not some pyschopathic murderer on the run looking for another victim?”

Looking at me square in the eyes he responds, “If I was I would have had my way with you already and by now your cold dead body would be floating in some river somewhere.”

I blink a couple of times, unsure of what to say or how to react.

Julian lets out a laugh through his nose unable to keep a straight face any longer, “I’m kidding alright? I’m just trying to help you, you seemed like you were having a hard time back there. I’ve been there, it sucks. At least let me get you to where you are heading and you will never have to hear or see me again, I promise. Lemme do my good deed for the day.”

His eyes gleam with sincerity and I have to admit, it is nice to have somebody to talk to after feeling so alone not too long ago. Besides, it was the middle of the day and the streets were busy, and if he tried anything funny I had my knife and pepper spray at the ready in my pocket.

I hand him the piece of paper with the address of the hotel.

He takes one look and begins to laugh through his nose a couple of times, “You know, you were sitting a block away from your hotel right?”

“Are you serious?!” I fume, snatch the paper from his hands, and stare at it like if somehow by just looking at it I'd realize where I made the wrong turn

He nods and flashes a crocked smile my way, "Uuuh you had actually passed it before you sat down.”

“Wow, well, I feel like a complete idiot,” I mumble.

“Hey it happens to all of us, now lets get you to your hotel.”

We walk a couple of blocks back making small talk and then we finally reached my hotel.

"Oh man I’m so tired, well thanks a lot Julian for the help," I say reaching out for my bag.

“No prob, it was my plesh,” he says as he hands me my suitcase.

I shake his hand, again surprised by the gentleness to his grip, thanked him again and start making my way to the hotel entrance but before I can reach the door Julian calls out to me, “Hey!”

I turn around as he is approaching me and I quickly search his hands thinking that maybe in my weariness I managed to forget something.

"I know I said you’d never have to see me again but…I don’t know man, something about you makes me wanna see you again…"

"Oh…" well that woke me up, what would such a gorgeous man want to spend time with me for anyway?

"It’s cool if you don’t want to I was jus-"

“No it’s not that, I’m just surprised that’s all.”

He cocks an eyebrow up “Surprised?”

“Well for one I’m boring. And plain looking…”

“You’re so mysterious man, I mean shit, I don’t even know your name and I’m somehow drawn to you,” he cocks his head slightly to the right and his forest green eyes begin to search me from head to toe not leaving one inch behind, he flashes a crocked smirk and quickly licks his lips “and about you looking plain, I’d have to disagree…”

I feel my face begin to get hot and I just know I’m blushing which makes me blush even deeper in return

"Well, it’s not like I have any plans being as I’m new to this city and all."

“Later on tonight then? I’ll bring food and beer” he responds, his face completely lit up.

See you tonight,” I smile

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