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"Wake up we're here." Austin said shaking my arm. I guessed he realized that i wasnt going to wake up, he got out of the car making sure he slammed it so he could wake me up. Jumping in the seat I glared over in Austins direction and got out of the car.

"So this is the place?" I asked looking around at the big garden and what people would call as a mansion. I  have to say this house is beautiful, I'm suprised how Austin even got people to let us stay here. "Don't act so suprised I have more connections then you would think." HE said getting out his bags out of the car.

As he said that a lady around teh age of 21 came running out of the house and tackeled Austin in a hug. He didn't really hug her back just gave her a pat on the back and told her it was nice to see her again while i stood there awkwardly watching. She finally pulled away from him and noticed my exsistince.

"Oh you must be Lily." She just stood there like she wasnt happy and like i was intruding on her and Austin which i felt like i was. "Now Addison thats no way to take to people." Austin smirked putting his arm on 'Addisons' shoulder like he was testing me.

Narrowing my eyes which probalbly wasn't a good look for me she lead us in the house. It looked even better than it did on the outside. "My parents aren't home now but they will be in like a week so you can stay here till then.' Addison said rubbing on Austins arm making me want to gag.

"Thanks, now where are they rooms, drama queen here wants to get cleaned up." Austin said totally oblivious to Addison trying to seduce him. Guys can be so oblivious sometimes. "Theres two guest rooms on the top floor but theres also room in my room if you would rather stay there austin." She smirked just embarrasing herself more.

"No thanks i would rather sleep by myself for once." He said pushing her out of the way and making his way up the stairs leaving  her standing there face flushed. Walking past her and following Austin up the stairs he started talking.

"Its okay to get jealous lily, not everyone can get a peice of this meat." He laughed walking into a room. "Good thing i dont want a piece." I replied. "You can keep telling yourself that but you cant ignore the truth. Stay here im going to ask Addison if she has any spare clothes for you." He said walking back out.

He's going to have a hrad time with that. She hates me already and i didnt do anything. I sat down on the bed and looked around. I  heard a ringing sound and saw that it was coming from Austins phone that he left on the bed. He really isnt the smartest. I picked it up and hit answer.

"Dude the parents wont pay and I think that it might be time to get rid of her just giving you a heads up now since i know you are having a thing for her."  The person on the other side said. "Austin man are you there?" I  heard Austin coming back up and i ended the call and put it back where it was.

"Here i got you some jeans and a shirt and i guess some underwear. Theres a shower at the end of the hall." He said throwing the clothes at me. I left the room and made my way down the hall.

They're planing to get rid of me.



Another update yay! I know i added another charactor but she isnt major and wont be in here for along time just untill Austin and lily leave. Again sorry for and misspelled words and grammer mistakes.

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