Pile 5: Scissors Charm

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To those who picked the Scissor Charm, I think you are involved with someone you need to cut energetic cords or ties with

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To those who picked the Scissor Charm, I think you are involved with someone you need to cut energetic cords or ties with.

You are involved with someone who have traveled together for many lifetimes and have a soul contract to help each other grow and develop.

You have been together for many different type of family and relationship constellations already and now have a chance to finally complete the lessons once and for all.

You are currently involved with one of your karmic soul mates from past life but that doesn't necessarily mean that this person is the one you are going to end up with.

He/she might be preparing you for the next relationship which would be the best thing that will ever happen to you.

You have experienced that intense karmic love that is hard to let go. Two souls usually will re-meet in another life because of unwavering belief that this person will make them feel good.

You know this person from somewhere else the first time you see them. You will have a strong positive karmic attraction to each other.

I also sense that you could be involved in a third party situation from the past. Or your love interest could be choosing between two people, considering you an option. Keep in mind that energies could be interchangeable.

I also think you could be choosing between two guys. One from the past and the other is your current love interest. You are wrapping up the end of a chapter and you are starting a new relationship with someone in the future.

If you are still stuck on the ex, you are going to miss your true soul mate. Don't go back to the past because there is nothing to hold on to except memories. The past doesn't exist anymore.

It's time to stop living in your head. You have learned the lesson and now it's time to move forward. Start a new beginning for yourself. Cut negative/toxic cords of the other person that is still attached to you.

This is also for those who is having a conflict or a fight with their "love interest".

There are times in our lives when we find ourselves caught up in a dispute or conflict after boundaries have been crossed or our feelings hurt or ego bruised. If lines of communication remain open, and both parties are willing, the conflict will be resolved. Justice will be served.

There are two sides to every disagreement and there are times when both parties involved can be right, and times when both parties can be wrong. Hear each other's point of view first.

Stop talking and start listening.

Learn how to compromise. Be sure to keep your emotions under control and have your facts straight. Remain respectful, courteous and considerate at all times.

Do not allow a lack of awareness or immoderate behavior place you at a disadvantage.

Why am I seeing court proceedings and child custody right now? Why do I get the feeling that there is some kind of divorce settlement I'm picking up on? Obviously, this is not going to resonate with everyone who picked this pile.

Take some risks. Face your fears. Listen more to your inner voice than to the voices and opinions of others. Rather than running from potential failure, embrace it.

History has shown that those willing to face failure will often succeed in a massive way later.

There are also times where we have to try to accept that some things can't be resolved, and sometimes the better person is the one who walks away.

Put your sword down and step away from the fight not just for your own sake but for the benefit of those who are caught up in the war you are waging.

It is time to end with the war with another and also your internal conflict. Let karma do the dirty job.

Don't waste time in a never ending past cycle that keeps on repeating itself because of your inability to move forward and overcome the past hurt.

Learn to forgive, not for other people, but for yourself.

Detach from negativity and make your emotional stability your top priority.

Let go of anger.

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