The Protectors of Hogwarts and Startinng of the Case of the Damned Souls

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Dumbledore was quite shocked and as the news spread. Everyone was beyond pleased with the house. Harry with the other ferries over to the castle. There were separate rooms for everyone in the West Wing. Also in the West Wing were the bathrooms, study rooms, Aadhila Hall and kitchens. Then in the East Wing was the Grand Library, the Dueling Rooms, and Music Rooms. Then the North Wing was the Potions Labs, Ritual rooms, Empty rooms for the students to make their own. Also the Dungeons were there. Then the South Wing was he Greenhouse, the Also the ports, med-bay rooms and inheritance rooms. Then for the center was the training rooms for all types of things. Magic to Mundane. Legal to Illegal.

Harry was silent as he entered the music room. Everyone was sleeping as Quirrell was Head until they were able to find another better professor. Harry lets his tears fall silently as he plays the piano. His stone glows a soft gray and emerald. He sings softly in parsel as his sorrow echos throughout the halls softly that night. The illusions softly appear.

James Potter and Lily Potter before everything, they held him and Hadrian. Rosie playing with them. Then a dark shadow came and destroyed it. Then James and Lily started at him like they were now. He pays softly unaware of those watching him. They yell, taunt, beat him. Rosie biting back her tears. She fell to the floor near Hadrian who was silent as tears dripped down his face. Harry bites back in his tears as the song continues. He stands the piano now playing by itself. Hadrian then stands up with his doll emotionless eyes and he fades away. Rosie stares at him and held his face with a small smile. Before she fades away. Then many shadows surround him doing the same like his 'parents'. Harry summons green flames and hey fade away. all illusions do. He heads back to the piano and plays once more softly as the flames vanish.

His tears were drip softly like a river. He could not stop them. He silently finishes the song before heading up to his room. The invisibility cloak on. With he let his tears bring him to sleep. Tears that no one has heard ever.

Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom hide behind a statue as Harry played. Tears were brought to them as it finished. They look at each other in silent restless. It was like a broken melody that stings when heard. It burned in their souls, cores and minds. It crept like a broken flame that no one payed attention to. It sings in their minds as they finally have a true picture of Harry's life. For he was chained and no one ever cared. In fact they enjoyed caging and torturing him like a merciless animals that only devour. It burned like the green flames dancing around Harry like if they trying to protect him while burn him at the same time. It hurt worst then their own lives of hardships.

The next morning came as three slept in tears. They awoke and head to the Great Hall as breakfast and lunch were mandatory due to classes.

Draco looks at Harry who was silent as he ate. For every eye either stares at him or Hadrian. But they stare at him the most. With a dark hatred and fear. They were furious at him for him being in the Noble House of Merlin. Hermione who was reading could feel the stares too. So did Luna but she did not care.

Harry looks up and sighs, "Why must everyone stare?". There were gasps and fear as he hiss that. For it sounded like a Medusa, Basilisk and Dementor to them. Luna looks at with a sigh answering, "Harry, you are thought to be the next Tom Marvolo Riddle or Lord Voldemort or He-Who-Must-Not-Be named. Of course they stare.". "It is pretty to stare when they could simply ask me and I can't lie.", Harry hisses as his eyes glow bright emerald green.

Luna holds his shoulder softly with sympathy. "Thanks fellow sister of Sight.", Harry hisses softly before he pulls out metals and crystals. He starts using his stone to help twist the metals into enchanted jewelry for his friends as he heads out to Transfigurations. Leaving everyone to eat.

He sings the song that calms him softly in Parsel. Even though it brought the broken memories of the past. It gave him hope that he'll find a family again. Soon he sits in the classroom singing softly as makes jewelry. The Gryffindors filing in to hear the broken tune. Memories flashing within a few. The few being Ron, Seamus, Dean and Hadrian as the memories of Harry flash in their minds.

Now Ron and Seamus knew what made Hadrian truly lose his emotions. Like yeah, his parents were hard core light people and the most strict people ever known. But what they did. They look at Harry. The Boy-Who-Died. Man that title has got to suck. It was like the words Hadrian always said, "Evil isn't born. It's made.". Yeah, it's made. Harry isn't evil. Harry is severely misunderstood. Hadrian became emotionless due to him wanting to be closer with his brother and learn how Parseltongue affects him.

Dean feels a pang of pain for the pair. It was cold and dreadful. As he images their lives. Their memories helping. He pictures the forced smiles and fake masks. Freak, Boy-Who-Died, Boy-Who-Lived, and Master. Then underneath it all the mask wearer Harry and the emotionless Hadrian.

Harry stares at them silently and he weakly smiles as two tears of blood drip down his face. Dean unlike the others could sense a phrase from Harry.

'Save him, Dean. For he is more important to you then you might know. But if you need a clue, Souls can bond in all ways.'

Dean was silent as Harry winks and heads back to his craft until class starts and he writing notes. Harry's eyes showing a steel determination. Dean was silent as the clue burns within him. Souls can bond in all ways. Dean thinks away on his glasswork but the thought creeps as blush forms his checks. It burned hard in blush. Hadrian stares at Dean. A small blush enters his checks at the red tomato Dean. 'Cute' He thinks softly but then he shakes his head off. The emotion played down and he got back.

Rosie was silent as she pulled out her cameras and charmed them to complete invisibility. Then she sent her babies off. If Harry was going to save the broken like them. They would need to know who they were. For they are great hiders.

Rosie smiles softly before heading off to class with her friends. She sighs softly. Her curious mind burning away. Her journal writing away her plan. Harry's sight into the future always helped but his plans were more military and political then investigative and networking. Harry already has all the supplies she needs due to it. His plans were calculative and precise however. Also he always got what he wanted done. Her Muggle bullies and Muggle  fake friends learned their lesson. Rosie smiles darkly at the memory. They never got near her again and left everyone alone. What? They weren't dead. They just got the terror side of her and her brother.

Rosie thinks away throughout the day. All the way until her babies, cameras, come back with photos. Many showing off the grand castle while others show an ugly truth of thirty people including herself and brothers.

With that her plan activated. She entered the most abandoned empty classroom and got to work with her brothers and turned it into a real operation. With that Rosie and Hadrian get the people they need with Harry getting supplies.

And with the Protectors of Hogwarts came to be. The goal protecting the students and teachers of Hogwarts inside and outside these halls.

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