Damned Soul #4: Draco Lucius Malfoy

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Case of Damned Souls:
# 1: Harry Potter
# 2: Hadrian Potter
# 3: Rosie Potter
# 4: Draco Malfoy

Draco's tools:

Draco's tools:Staff:

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Wand:Fellow Potterheads, it's the same wand

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Fellow Potterheads, it's the same wand

Draco was silent on the balcony. His Veela wings stretching out impatiently. He lifts into the air and flies around Hogwarts.

He smiles softly at the castle before landing back at Aadhila and heads off to the music room. Little did he know a camera for a Case day waiting for players.

Draco was silent as his hands touched the soft keys. Mother when she was around always told him that music is calming, relaxing and a way to release. He remembers her just playing away releasing her magic. It flowed like silk and the drum of a river. The droplets of memories of her burn within him.

He plays silently letting his magic to fly out. His magic creates Mother smiling and laughing with a little him. But as the song continues. She screams as she fades away. Father then comes with his weapons. Red then flashes as screams reaches to his ear like a blade.

Then he sensed another's magic and voice well hissing that Draco could understand. So familiar and yet it shown something many did not. Understanding.

Draco opens his eyes to see Harry playing with him. Soft tears in his eyes with an understanding smile. Draco sighs softly and lets the song continue. The Magic creating their shared prison. Draco smiles softly by the time the song ends. He may be trapped in a Manison. But he isn't alone. He has Harry.

Harry sleeps softly on his shoulder. Draco sighs as his magic summons pillows and a blanket. Draco picks up the skinny, almost skeleton showing, light Harry and places him in the common room to their rooms. He places him on the couch with a pillow on his head with the blanket covering him. Draco was about to back away but the unconscious Harry reached for his warmth. Draco sighs softly and grabs his pillow. He sleeps with Harry on the couch. Soon they form into the sleeping Draco holding Harry in a protective cuddle.

Draco was the first awake. He stares at Harry who moved to him and held him. Harry's magic releasing a blanket of comfort and understanding. Draco smiles softly accepting the blanket for a few more minutes before he starts to wake up Harry.

"Thanks Dray", Harry signs softly as Draco chuckles lightly allowing the nickname. "Come on, we have to get our robes on.", Draco says softly with that they head off and wake everyone else up at 5 am to change into robes and get to the Great Hall.

With that Draco's group of friends joined Harry's as the groups joined. Rosie looked through the new photos late in the morning and entered the hall early just to talk with Draco.

Draco noticed and he activated his political mask before heading over to Rosie who shows a her political mask and familial one.

"Heir Malfoy, Merry Met my fellow Ancient House, There is much to discuss but too little of time.", Rosie says softly but stares into Draco's soul dead serious and a rage that screams justice. Draco is taken back for a second then he clicks it together. Harry must likely not know about this. Which Rosie answers correctly with the fact that Harry only gave her some hard to get tools. Meaning that Rosie has a good intent in this endeavor or is tricking Harry. But that doesn't excuse the fact that she has been spying on him and Harry that he will have to speak to her about.

After a couple minutes later, she had explained the Protectors of Hogwarts and the Case. Draco softly smirked inside at the thought of his father getting what he deserves. But now he must inquire her about Harry.

"Now you know my past due to spying on your brother? As you should now I care about him deeply now why are you spying on him?", Draco asks swiftly.

Luna overhears. She starts muttering knowingly and unknowingly, "Two Soul Bonds, both born from birth and strengthen by first sight, both bonds shall change and save the world,

the first bond being a child of light saving a broken child, broken by hands of pure evil, they shall face many trials but shall within stand the tests, the greatest test being of the blocked emotions, shall change the world by showing true light and love can save even the darkest of souls, even the souls that were really misunderstood

The second bond being of children forced to be dark but are really the Gray, tester by both sides, misunderstood by many, save others but are hated, misjudged, beaten, starved of all types of things but mostly love, their bond strengthens with understanding, care, friendship and love, they shall find true love in each other and inspire others to be themselves and express Lady Magic with her magic as should be

These bonds shall face a great trial of wars and heartache for their sister who is Gray, filled with knowledge beyond her years overtime shall be broken beyond repair and become the Darkest Mistress ever known, the world shall face its Third War with deaths so high that it shall leave a mark to the end of time, these bonds with their tables shall face her for only they hold the power to defeat her and knowledge to defeat her,

So be careful, young soul bonds and strengthen yourselves with knowledge and understanding for the greatest wars are coming.".

Draco continues the conversation with an agreement that by the time this case is over that all evidence shall go to Madam Bones and Draco is unpleased with the excuse of sisterly care. Draco could tell that there were was more to this story but he just couldn't figure out what.

With that he heads off back to the table, joining Harry and their friends. As two figures heard another prophecy from a true seer. Yet another prophecy that changed everything. And yet another prophecy that hurt thousands of lives.

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