Damned Soul # 5: Neville Longbottom and The Killings

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Case of the Damned Souls:
# 1: Harry Potter
# 2: Hadrian Potter
# 3: Rosie Potter
# 4: Draco Malfoy
# 5: Neville Longbottom

Neville's Tools:

Neville's Tools:Staff:

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We all know Wand

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We all know Wand

Albus and Quirrell were having a normal day. Quirrell planing away his lessons with a growing hunger and joy. So excited for the day he could really teach the students. Albus doing everything of a usual day and keeping a close eye on his pawns in his grandfatherly figure. Yet the the two were heading into the Great Hall for breakfast when they saw something interesting. Rosie Potter and Draco Malfoy having an Ancient House business discussion while Luna Lovegood watchs.

They listened in to both conversations to then hear a prophecy. Albus listening to only the first part that spoke of the first soul bond as he dashed up to his office to his pensive to review everything this year and speak to the portraits and ghosts. Also a certain stubborn hat. Albus already had a clue on the second bond being Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy but Albus sees them as threats or the bonds of the Darkness. Now he needed to find these bonds of Light.

Quirrell/Voldemort listened to the entire prophecy. He is silent as the words echo out to him. One of his followers' aren't following his rules on magical children and is soul bonded with Harry Potter the boy who defeated but saved him that night so much so that in thanks, Voldemort made him his heir but since he died Harry is the Lord until his return in a body which he insured that Harry knows. Even his Horcruxes wouldn't have saved him from the power of that rebound. Harry was disgraced and abused for it however that made his mind scream in a dark rage so strong he could obliterate anyone in his path to killing those Potters. He doubts that Severus shall hold love for a woman like that once he discovers this travesty.

He heads up to the table and ate before he starts planning away a delicious karma where all those who abused magical child shall die when he returned.

A few weeks later, Harry and Luna were in Dumbledore's office as they were the two seer students of Hogwarts who can see soul bonds where soulmates were from birth and magic. While others were developed. Only they could see a soul bond. Lily and James were there too with Luna's father.

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