A Fitting Punishment

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When Lucas woke up it was slowly, swimming up through a sea of pain. He tried to gasp in surprise but as pain flooded through his body Lucas froze trying to stop the wave of screaming nerves. With a shuddering gasp Lucas slowly released the contents of his lungs, trying to breath as shallowly as possible. With each inhalation a new spike of pain gripped him, though there was little feeling below his waist.

Lucas settled into a slow rhythm of inhalation, controlling the spikes of pain. Then he opened his eyes looking around, examining his surroundings. It was dark except a small opening above him admitting dim light. Lucas tried to prop himself up, but not only were his arms bound behind his back but sharp spikes of pain prevented him from moving.

Groaning Lucas blinked struggling to remember what had occured. The last thing he remembered was climbing the wall, then nothing. Shifting Lucas tried to loosen the ropes encircling him, gritting his teeth against the pain. He must escape, last time he had been captured he was left with The Demon's Heart. Lucas closed his eyes again stretching, pulling, testing, the knots that held him. But they did not shift, nor loosen.

Lucas swallowed desperetly, trying to wet his dry throat so he could begin to chant. But no matter his effort Lucas could not muster the spittle to moisten his vocal cords. The most he could choke out was a few strained words, "Istrali avant . . . ce vous plait" But there was no response to his plea. So Lucas lay in the dark, waiting, and wondering what foul fate would befall him.
Above the dark depths in which he had tossed Lucas, X was standing before the three council members. It had taken time to locate Megan but she had appeared an hour previous allowing the meeting to finally commence. X simmered with anger, not forgetting the letter that had been sent requesting his replacment. With Heidi long gone with his own letter there was no chance of a second messenger catching up with the council's to waylay him. So X stood victorious, just too late for the victory.

Despite his impending replacement X continued to act like a guardian, pretending like there was nothing the matter other than the captive below. The three members of the council were engaged is a discussion, supposedly whispering about Lucas. But, though X angriliy, they, or more specifically Megan, were probably discussing his lack of emotional stability.

He had been elated when he reported Lucas's capture. Glee filled his tone as X described how he had captured the renegade elf, how the beams of wood tumbled. X grinned internally at the thought, but externally he retained the stoic expression befitting of a guard. When the three finally stopped their discussion Elsa spoke, "I think you know what the sentencing will be X, Carry it out." Megan seemed disgruntled that it was X who would be performing the task, but she said nothing. X nodded and left, gripping his sword as tightly as Lucas once gripped his knife.

The odd elf that passed by X ducked and pushed themselves against the side of the cramped hall. X for the most part ignored them, concentrating on his target. It wouldn't be any fun with Lucas injured and bound but it would at least be satisfying. He threw open the door leading to Lucas's prison then stopped it was much brighter, and warmer, than it had been before.

Slowly he inched towards the opening in the floor, peering down he tried to figure out where the anomalies were coming from. The answer was readily evident, a large ball of congealed blue light was hovering over the broken elf below. Low throbs and pulses of light flashed from it, and X had the strangest idea that the light was reprimanding Lucas.
Lucas had been mumbling incoherently for what felt like hours, then a warm light filled him. Soothing his every ache and pain Istrali descended upon him. Lucas took a breath without inhibition, relaxing into the healing light. The warmth grew filling him, comforting his troubled mind. But then the heat grew more becoming a raging fire within him rather than a comforting warmth.

Lucas arched his back, crying out as the temperature heated further. The light around him flared then dimmed and Lucas felt as though his chest was being torn through, The Devil's Heart screeched and expanded rising up from Lucas's skin to swallow the light.

Whenever he communicated with Istrali Lucas always felt the light brushing of concious. The presence of another mind touching, but never invading, his own. Now it was different, the same mind was there but it was ripping his own apart. Taking control over his precence, flooding through his entire body, moving it against Lucas's will. He could still see and feel everything, but could no longer control himself.

Mentally he tried to rally himself, bring his consciousness into a single bright point of light at the center of his mind. But he could feel the symbol raging at him pulling at him. However Lucas had always been strong, he could not fight off the mark, but he did make himself into a buffer. He gathered himself and shouted with all his mental power, "Istrali why have you betrayed me?"

The reply came back like thunder, "I have not.  Your injuries were too great, I must be inside you to heal you." Lucas gasped, sure his ears must be bleeding from the force of the voice. It was not shouting so to speak, yet so very very loud. Lucas moaned, again retreating within his ball of light, hiding from the roiling shadows that had once been the light of Istrali.

Rather than speak again he watched through his own eyes as X dropped into the chamber he was in. Though he could sense the capability in Istrali the magic entity did not use its power to break the ropes binding it. Instead it watched and laughed as X walked up. Laughed at the puny blade that was threatening him. Lucas watched X recoil as he looked into his eyes, and wondered what it was he saw.

Istrali laughed inside his head, "The maker of the mark, I will have him." Lucas could feel the grin within him as Istrali imagined possessing X. Lucas smiled too, not only to see his foe without control over his own body but also so he could have his own back. It would not be perfect, but when Istrali had first entered the light healed his wounds. X tried to stab Lucas with his blade, but now magic strengthened and controlled limbs broke through the rope and hands lifted to catch the blade.

It sank into Lucas's palm and was soon wet with ruby liquid, but he paid no mind to the pain. X's eyes widned as his attack was deflected. Istrali pulled the blade from X's grip, tossing it behind him like a piece of old driftwood. X backed up, and tried to pull himself up out the door but Istrali grabbed the other elf's ankle and yanked him down again. Then with no pause, no regret Istrali took Lucas's hand and pushed it in through X's chest. Lucas heard a scream and felt the beating heart below his palm.

Istrali began to flow, down through his arm and coiled into X's heart. Lucas slowly felt himself take control again, but he did not loosen his grip. He held the heart and maintained the connection allowing the entirety of the magical being to enter into X.

Elves of Wood and Storm (Book one of The Guardians series)Where stories live. Discover now