Emma Watson launches HeForShe Arts Week (2016)(English)

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Emma Watson launches HeForShe Arts Week in New York with a speech on InternationalWomen's Day, on March 8, 2016 (english version).

Emma Watson launches HeForShe Arts Week in New York with a speech on InternationalWomen's Day, on March 8, 2016 (english version)

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"Good morning.

First of all, I'm so grateful to Cherlene and to the city of New York for hosting HeForShe Arts Week.

I love this city. I've studied here, I've lived here, I've made films here, I've seen great art here and I'm very very grateful. Thank you.

Thank you! Please.

There's a great quote from a woman who happened to be both an artist and an activist and one of my favorite favorite women. Maya Angelou. She said : "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.

It's one of the reasons that I am an actress. It's why I love what I do, it's what the arts do. If it's done well, they make you feel.

And with HeForShe we're trying to build a global community with people from all walks of life and all genders to create a new normal societies of equality.

Study after study shows us that logic and value, the value of gender equality in commerce, politics, peace building...the list is infinite. But we have to do more than help people see the logic with their minds it's also about making them feel it in their bones. Viscerally, emotionally.

This is what changes us. It's what makes us act.

You can't unwatched great films. You can't unread incredible books. You can't unsee groundbreaking arts.

They change forever.

And that's why great movements of social and human progress have always been illuminated by great art. Social progress can inspire art and so the arts can inspire social progress.

HeForShe Arts Week is the next page in that story and I'm so proud to launching it today.

Thank you so much for being here."

Emma Watson, engaged British actress and Goodwill Ambassador at UN Women

Emma Watson, engaged British actress and Goodwill Ambassador at UN Women

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