Emma Watson's speech at the G7 (2019)(English)

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At the2019 G7 in Biarritz, France, Emma Watson gave a speech on 10 May on genderequality and gender-based violence, particularly on violence againstwomen (english version).

« Gender-based violence against women and girls is at pandemic proportions

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« Gender-based violence against women and girls is at pandemic proportions.

It is the most .... violation of humain rights worldwide.

In 2017, 87.000 women were victims of femicides –more than half of these were killed by intimate partners or family members. What this means is that 137 women across the world are killed by a member of their own family every day.

At the same time, brave voices of women and girls are echoing powerfully around the world, against domestic violence, against rape, against sexual harassement, against cyber harrasement, against femicide.

Some countries are making tremendous progress. However the Council expresses huge concerns about the persistent and ever-growing threats and backlashes against women's rights in many countries and denouce the serious responsability of some political leaders –even in G7 countries- in this step-back. Even in the case of rape, and even when rape is used as a weapon of war, it is becoming difficult to protect women's reproductive rights.

We urge G7 leaders to be as brave as women and girls are every single day.

As such, we expect G7 states to urgently adopt fully implement and fund the most ambitious legislative frameworks on combating gender based violence against women in order to create a fair, safe and dignified world for its constituents.

We call on G7 states to make ending gender basing violence a priority of their foreign policy and development assistance.

At the absolute minimum, the Council urges States to ratify all relevant basic gender equality standars including the CEDAW Convention and the Istanbul Convention and to withdraw all potential reservations to these instruments at the soonest. For example, the CEDAW Convention has been ratified by 189 countries but not the USA. The UK still has not ratified the Istanbul Convention. Which, on a personal note, is a source of great disappointement.

However what we really urge is that member states pass the legislation that the Council recommends in our final report.

This goes beyond politics and left and right. We are simply asking member states to protect universal human rights and be the leaders we know they can be.

As human beings, do not be passive bystanders to the attacts and roll backs we see happening all around us and every day on women's rights all across the world –be active participants in moving us forward.

Our legislative recommendations and methodology at combat GBV.

Globally, one is three women has been or will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. States have a responsabillity to end thos most persuasive human rights violation. Strong and comprehensive legal lifeworks are a fundamental basic towards this end.

The frameworks addressing gender-based violence should encompass prevention of violence that causes by gender stereotypes, negative social norms, and toxic masculinities. »

Emma watson, engaged Bristish actress and Goodwill ambassador at UN Women

Emma watson, engaged Bristish actress and Goodwill ambassador at UN Women

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