Arcana personas info

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Before you ask what's a arcana persona

There a special type of persona you can summon which both drain you physically and mentally for as long as there out in exchange for immense power. As you can tell from there names, each of these persona's represent one of the major arcana's in the tarot deck, and almost all of them share what there card shows

Also if your wondering why I did this chapter, it's so you know how much more powerful I made you since after the votes, you wanted me to make you even MORE powerful. So as a man of my word, I changed some of the arcana persona's I made then replaced them with something that was inspired by the meaning of each arcana

So Anyway, here they are!

(Be warned, there's a LOT of words here)

0 - The Fool

Appearance: a young child wearing ragged clothes, and has dirt all over him. By his side followed a injured pup who limps behind him.

Specialty: this arcana persona unlike the rest of your persona's doesn't really have any way to attack. Instead it's power is to turn everything it uses it's five senses on or knows about back to zero. Every attack, every movement, every spell, every ability, every advancement of life. All shall be reverted to zero when interacted by this being and it's pup. Cause of this, this arcana is the best defensive option you have, but at the same time it's the worst offensive option you have as all damage you cause with this out shall be reverted to zero or be done over and over again with no end, even the state of dying.

Chant: The way is uncertain, but you have all the tools. Make the leap. Do not let insecurity bind you. Beware of acting rashly. Consider the consequences of your actions and tread lightly in the dark. Come, FOOL!

1 - The Magician

Appearance: a large man with short brown hair tied up into a bun. He wears a pure white robe which covers his body, white sandals, and wears a extremely long red cloak that covers his body and the one who summons him

Specialty: this arcana persona is able to create all types of matter with whatever thats around him at all times. You name it. Weapons, shields, fire, ice, lightning, a black hole? He can turn whatever he touches into anything his user desires.

Chant: Now is the time to take action, before all comes to naught. Stay focused: You have a job to do. Be wary of lies from the mouths of charismatic charmers. They will not keep their promises. Come, MAGICIAN!

2 - The High priestess

Appearance: a woman Who wears plain blue robes and sits with her hands in her lap. She has a lunar crescent at her feet, & wears "a horned diadem on her head, with a globe in the middle"

Specialty: this arcana has the power to reveal the unknown to you whenever it's summoned. The ability's of something, there weaknesses, there next action etc.

Chant: Listen to your dreams; allow intuition to guide you. All will be revealed in time. Be careful of losing touch with your intuition. Do not close your mind to the world's mysteries. Come, HIGH PRIESTESS!

3 - The Empress

Appearance: a woman who seems to be in her late 40's that sits on a throne wearing a starry crown with 12 stars, holding a scepter in one hand. Near her throne, multiple flowers rapidly begin to blossom all around her.

Specialty: this arcana persona unlike the rest of your persona's is able to call forth life from wherever she is. With the most simplest command, Mother Nature herself shall make the earth grow and warp to help attack for, or defend the one who ordered it.

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