Paint war.

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·Micheal POV· (Jeremy and Micheal are not dating in this (yet-)) (Also, the teacher is out of the art class bc 'insert lame excuse').

I sighed staring at the blank page and the still life on the table that we had to copy, sighed again. No one noticed, I sighed louder. I moved a little bit closer to Jeremy and sighed. I rested my head in Jeremy's shoulder and sighed in his ear.


"Notice me, senpai."

"You're not able to draw that, right?"

"I can't even do a straight line, so, nope." I replied popping noisily the 'p' of nope.

"You want me to help you?"

"No, I rather bother you a little bit more." Now was Jeremy's turn to sigh. What I did not expected was what he did next:

"Yup, I'm gonna help you, if I hear you sigh once again I'll scream." He took a pencil and crawled to my lap. To. mY. LAP. I had a mental keyboard smash realizing how he was literally sitting and leaning in lap and he didn't seem to care nor realize how gay it was.

"J-Jere, what are you doing? Why are you sitting there?!" I felt my cheeks burn like if a sudden and quick arsonist set them on fire while I tried to control my gay panic.

"Oh, I can't reach your sketchbook with my right hand from where I sit. So I sat here, you don't mind, right?" He hummed the question in a subtitle hoarse whisper. The pale boy started to draw simple figures as rectangles, triangles and circles to do a first sketch with the black graphite.

"Hm- ergh-no-no? No I don't, I don't mind, keep going" I wasn't able to articulate a single sound without sounding like if I was having a stroke or I had brain damage. As much I tried to speak saying something coherent, more than my vocal chords decided to stop working and my face grew flushed. Jeremy was starting to delineate the figures and explain me steps and tricks to draw better, quicker or at least, draw something that could be recognized as something from our planet (something I've never been able of). But, honestly I didn't pay attention to a single word that he said.

I was too focused on how Jeremy's cute, little, though not remarked, smile bent his pale and covered in freckle cheeks. Also on the little frown that he did every time he had to erase a part of the drawing or needed to focus a lot to do a determined line. And, being honest, I was also praying that Jeremy stopped moving as much as he did while drawing and that, even I hate blushing, I hoped that my blood would be staying on the upper part of my body. It was enough dealing with a mental gay panic, I wasn't prepared for a physical gay panic.

"So! What do you think?" Exclaimed proudly the brunette grinning widely and pointing the realistic sketch detailed in pencil.

"Uh it, it is pretty. Not as much as you, although." What did I just say and why? I tried to helplessly fix it. "You...uhh... You're cardigan? Yeah, your cardigan's pretty." And it ended with a clear example of how I'm NOT good improvising and how, when I'm blinded by the gay I'm pretty much dumb.

"Aw, you think I'm pretty!" He laughed pocking my heated cheek teasingly. "Hey maybe if you payed enough attention to my art explanation the next thing you can draw is me like one of your twink boys." Purred Jeremy jokingly and winked giggling afterwards.

I literally have no idea of how happened what came then. All I know is that the panic intensified also physically and I stood up quickly making Jeremy fall to the ground and knocking a big can of red paint. And the paint splashed on Jeremy's body, clothes and face.

"Oh my gosh, Jeremy, I'm so sorr-" And then, without letting me finish, he stood up and splashed the blue paint he was using in his paper to my face. He started laughing to the point that he was almost crying.

"You should see you own face- Wait you can't..."

"Is that so?" I grabbed another can of red paint and splashed a bit more to Jeremy. After that someone yelled 'PAINT WAR' and everything went down. The whole class turned into a mess of paint and brushes and, to paint better how was the war, there was a kid that also threw a couple chairs, 'cause, no one was there to stop him.

Although Jeremy and I were the ones that started the chaos we stood in a corner of the class, trying to protect a little bit each other from foreign paint. There, we stood, not having to dodge the others objects, Jeremy approached to me.

"Wait, you have paint on your lips, and knowing you, you'll end up eating the paint." Chuckled the boy in front of me getting closer and removing the paint from my lower lip. He was really close... will I fuck up if I try to kiss him? Probably... I don't wanna waste a twelve year friendship. Can you no homo your way out if you kiss a friend? Maybe I could try-

My internal monologue was abruptly interrupted by Christine's loud and unmistakable voice.

"Now Rich, they're close enough!" I felt Rich's hand in the back of my head shoving me towards Jeremy while Christine did the same towards me. If we were in a movie, anime, fan fiction or any other sorta of fantasy creation, probably it would have work and we would have kiss.

But, in real life the only thing that achieved was that my nose and his low lip bumped into each other hard. Hard enough to make Jeremy's lip bleed and making me just being able to smell blood and feel numb around my nose for a solid minute.

"What the phack guys, what ith up with you?" Tried to talk Jeremy at the same time than wiping the little amount of blood.

"Brooke! You said this plan was bulletproof!" Complained Christine ignoring us now. The two girls started complained on how in every movie they've seen before it worked and we should be more than married right now.

"Guys, can you do it again? I wasn't recording." Asked Jenna effortlessly preparing the phone.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?" Jere and I shouted at the same time.

"Ready? GO" After Rich shouted that they bumped our faces together. Yes, again.

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