Chapter 3.

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The only sounds I heard was that of my own feet against the road.The city was dead quiet and the cold chilled me to the bone despite the fact that I had on the biggest and the warmest hoodie I own.

It was my birthday just so you know.I never celebrated it that much.I woke up to happy birthday texts from Ken and family.My mum and stepfather are hardly ever at home so they couldn't be there on my special day.

They are both doctors and are always at work apart from the weekends and that was also not a guarantee because they could be called to work anytime.That means iam always stuck with Chloe at home.

On this day five years ago,I lost him.My dad.My bestfriend.It broke my heart to tiny pieces.Hell I knew that day would come because he had battled with the disease for so long.Maybe I did not just expect it to happen when it did.He died when I thought he was getting better.He had seen worse days for crying out loud.

Now all I had were memories.You know that time when you listen to all of a person's favorite songs and feel their presence? When you have to go to places you used to hang out together to relive the memories?

When you wish you should have spent more time with them even though you know you spent all the time you had with them? When you read their favorite book line by line and see them in it?

Looking at it from another perspective,maybe life is just vanity.However successful or unsuccessful you are, however happy or sad, however good or bad, however kind or rude,life ends the same way.

Everyone goes six feet under at the end of it all.But you know what my dad used to say? It's not about how it ends.

It's about how you walk through it.He used to say there is fulfillment in knowing you lived life right.Not in a good or a bad way,just knowing you did what was supposed to be done when you did it gives you a peaceful ending.

I quietly dropped a rose on his grave and stood beside it.It was late at night and I was supposed to be scared but I wasn't.I held my hoodie tightly to my body.

In the silence I felt empty.I wished it was a different situation.I wished I could close my eyes and when I open them things would go back to what they were before that ill fated day.

But that was just that.Wishful thinking.I didn't cry.I couldn't cry.Iam a strong girl.

"I miss you,"I heard myself whisper softly after almost twenty minutes of utter silence.With that I turned and walked into the nearby cathedral.There is peace and serenity in the house of God.I don't have many beliefs but in that I believe.

There was no single soul in sight when I entered the church.Of course because it was late.I usually marked my dad's anniversary on my own because my mum was too busy to bother.

I stood before the altar and took time to take in my sorroundings.I closed my eyes and prayed.I just asked God to heal me and give me strength to accept the fact that my mother now had another family that she valued much more than her own daughter.Or maybe I was just jealous but I didn't care.

After I said all I could think of,I just stood there eyes closed.Not moving,not thinking.Nothing.Just a blank feeling which for some reason felt comforting.

Maybe I could have stood there forever hadn't I felt someone hug my leg.I slowly opened my eyes and that is when I realized they were moist.I had been crying.

She had pretty eyes.That is the first thing I saw when I looked at the little girl.She was probably three."Don't be sad,"she whispered softly rubbing my leg,"my papi says girls should always be happy."

I wiped my tears and knelt before her."Are here alone?"I asked rubbing her cheeks softly.She pointed at the door and following her frail finger I saw a tall figure approaching.The asshole who said I bumped into him intentionally.So he had a daughter

"My papi,"she whispered and I stood on my feet.

He came towards us at an alarming speed and pulled her away protectively.It was almost as if he was scared.I can bet on my life that I saw blood on his knuckles but that is not important now.

He glared at me and I couldn't find a single word to say to him.He pulled me to the side a little too roughly and I flared up instantly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"I hissed.When we were out of his daughter's earshot,he pushed me against the wall and gave me an angry look.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that eare following me around?"He whispered in my ear his warm breath caressing my neck.

It gave me a tingly sensation and a foreign feeling of pleasure."Are you out of your mind?"I asked in a loud whisper,"You came here after me!"

"Maybe it was all planned out."he shrugged his broad shoulders his blue eyes void of any emotion.

"Listen-"I made to say something but he cut me off."No you listen,"he said coldly,"if I find out out that you have any sinister motives for following me around I will wipe out your entire generation."

My jaw dropped.I thought he was joking when he said iam following him around.I hadn't imagined he thought I was following him around for real and not just that.

He thought I had dangerous motives behind it.Right that instant,I knew he was fighting something.That explains the scared look he had on when he saw me with his daughter.That explains the overprotectiveness.I didn't know what it was but I sure knew there was something.

I pushed him off gently and straightened my hoodie."Iam just here to relive a loved one's memory,"I said looking him straight in the eye,"I don't know why we keep bumping into each other but I have no time to follow people around.Iam a student not a detective."

He was going to say something but I held up my hand and he stopped.

"Listen I know you have problems and I wish I could solve them for you," I said but with an emotionless voice lest he misread it too,"Hell,I even hope you feel better after taking it out on me.But everyone has problems and if every single person chose being rude to others as their coping mechanism, Iam afraid the world wouldn't be a very good place to live in."without waiting for his response,I turned and left without a backward glance.

Hey guys I know that came after a long time and iam sorry 😔
I hope you enjoy it though.Dont forget to vote and comment.
Special thanks to EdithAde for voting on every chapter much much love💓💓

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