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"There's no way i'm sleeping on the floor when it's my room in the first place ! " He said closing the balcony.

" I don't care if it's your room there's no way we're sleeping on the same bed ! " I yelled at him.

"Well don't flatter yourself it's not like i'll ever touch you " He yelled back.


I didn't expect that to hurt, but it did.

" I don't give a shit about your intentions, i will not sleep next to a pig like yourself !" I said, anger radiating from my body.

If looks could kill i would be dead at the moment.

He was glaring at me like i just killed his whole family.

Although his looks made me want to pee myself, i held eye contact with him the best i could.

There is no way i'm letting him win this argument. It wasn't my idea to stay here, and it's not like he did anything to stop it.

He finally rolled his eyes and looked away grabbing pillows and angrilly throwing them on the floor, mumbling some profanities.

I smiled to myself in triumph, before making myself comfortable, pulling the covers closer to my body.

My attention got distracted when a shirt barely missed my face and fell on the bed.

I switched my attention to him, only to see that he was now shirtless.

" What are you doing ?" I said, eyes wide.

"What ? " He said, exasperated.

"I always sleep shirtless, and it's not gonna change just because you're sleeping here, i'm sorry that you can't control your hormones." He said, making himself comfortable on the floor.

"As if !" I defended, throwing his shirt back at him, landing on his stupid face.



"Shut up"

"You're the one talking to me !" I cried in exasperation.

He didn't answer and i turned to my left so that my back was facing him.

One more minute with this piece of shit and i'll end up committing a crime.

Just as i was about to close my eyes, the rumbling sound of thunder made me jump in fear.

Flashback :

It was raining heavily as i stared from the hospital window, i grew familiar to the corridors, it has been a week now since we didn't really leave the this place except for necessities or when dad forced us to go home and take a rest. I turned to look at Kian who had his head in his hands. I moved a little closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Collins was moving back and fourth not able to wait.

We knew ever since mom gave birth a week ago, that the baby's condition was critical.

He wasn't able to breath and had to be put in the incubator.

Tonight was different tho.

The nurses coming out of the room had worried looks on their faces, and refused to tell us what's really going on.

Something bad was happening and i felt it.

The thunder roared once more and the door opened revealing the doctor that we grew familiar with.

His usual smiling face was now frowning.

And i knew what he would say would break me.

"I'm sorry we lost the baby"

And that's how I lost my baby brother Mark before I could even hold him in my arms.

End of Flashback

I put both my hands on my ears, I couldn't handle the sound of thunder, every time it roared in the sky, a flood of heart shattering memories slap me in the face. Ever since Mark passed away two years ago, I grew traumatized of the sound of thunder.

Not able to deal with it, I squeezed my eyes shut and a single tear rolled down my cheek followed by another one, and before I could realize what's happening, I was silently crying, hoping it would end soon.

Another loud roar resonated in the room, and I immediately sat straight.

I took a look to my right, only to notice that O'Donnell seemed to be peacefully sleeping, back facing me.

However, I needed him.

I needed someone to sleep next to me whenever I was that anxious.

It's usually mom.

But right now, I couldn't care less if that person was him.

Trying my best not to sound weak, i called for him in an almost inaudible voice.


His head immediately shot towards me, he now looked at me like I grew three heads.

And I realized it was the first time I called him by his his actual name.

Grabbing my courage in both hands, i wiped the tears from both my cheeks.

"Can you come here ?"

"Please" I added, voice breaking at this point.

Arian didn't hesitate a second, before throwing his sheets away from his body and moving towards the bed.

Sitting next to me, he hesitated at first and looked at me carefully for approval, seeing that I didn't stop him, he delicately moved both hands and cupped my face, wiping the tears that were rolling down my cheeks at this point.

"Shh..what's wrong ?" he said, moving a little closer.

Embarrassed, I dropped my gaze, his eyes were an abyss that I was afraid to get lost in.

"Hey.." he tried again, lifting my face so that I would look at him again.

His eyes held so much sincerity that I couldn't believe he waste the same Arian that made me wanna rip my hair off.

The way his green eyes were filled with worry made me feel like I knew him forever.

Seeing that i was still sobbing, unable to give him an answer. He moved a little closer, and laced his arms around me, chin resting on top of my head. Our bodies were now attached to each other and I couldn't believe that this person holding me so delicately was the same person calling me a brat a while ago.

« Are you scared of the thunder ? » he gently asked, only for me to hear.

And I simply nodded.

His arms tightened around me as he stroked my hair and whispered.

« I got you »


Author's note :

It's a short chapter I'm sorry.

I've seen that lots of people want me to continue the book so I'll do my best.

Thank you guys for reading I hope you like it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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