The disappearance of my older brother

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" Tanjiro! "

A young girl not even at the age of six called out her older brother happily in the white, blissful, snow.

The young girl was wearing a fluffly, turquoise, long scarf that covered her neck and shoulders that her brother has given to her as underneath she wore the pink, diamond like kimono that kept her warm and the dark red gloves keeping her small hands warm.

Her skin was quite fair as her red cheeks and a bit on her nose were quite noticeable with her black and light purple eyes looked at the small figure going towards her.

There arrived a young boy two years older the the smaller girl with dark, red hair unlike the girl's black hair up to her shoulders. The boy was wearing a green and black square yukata and had turquoise gloves on. He had tan skin unlike the young girl but the red on his cheeks and nose were still quite noticeable as well.

He immediately put his two hands on the little girl that called out his name as he looked at the girl in a worried manner.

" Are you ok Nezuko? "

The young boy named Tanjiro called out to his sister in a worried manner and gave a few worried glazes at her with his black and red eyes as she smiled happily at her brother arrival and nodded swiftly and responded

" Hum! I'm ok Tanjiro! I just couldn't see you so i got worried! "

Nezuko said happily as the red hair boy let out a worried sigh and smiled gently towards the little girl Nezuko who was sitting on the white snow. The older boy holded her hand to help her get up without the smile fading. Tanjiro then gave her a head pat on her head in a gentle way.

" Come on. Lets go home now. Mama's waiting for us, she's taking care of Takeo by herself and she has a baby in her tummy too " Tanjiro says nicely to his younger sister mentioning his mother can't do everything on her own as his hot breath became smoke all the time he spoke in the cold air.

Nezuko immediately pouted wanting to say in the beautiful, white, snow more so she thought of anything to make her stay.

" But papa there's too! He can help. I wanna stay here "

Nezuko mentioned her father for an excuse to stay in the snow more as she continued to pout but all Tanjiro did was shoke his head left and right still with his gental smile on his lips and his hand on her head

" Papa's sick Nezuko. You know that he has trouble moving. Beside i can smell there's a blizzard coming too so we should go back "

The boy with red hair immediately finding a comeback for Nezuko as her excuses doesn't work. Nezuko looks at the floor as it looks like she's about to cry since things aren't going her way as her eyes started to look glassy with held in tears. The young girl thought of a comeback for her older brother as it was the last thing she could think off.

" But papa danced threw sunrise and sunset a few weeks ago! You talked to him and- "

Nezuko desperate attempt to stay in the snow was shattered as Tanjiro spoke in the clear manner before as his hand lets go of her hair and stood up straight as he was about the same height as Nezuko but a few tiny centimetres taller but at Nezuko's desperate attempt to stay in the snow was cut down by Tanjiro.

The snow finally came from the sky slowly and silently falling down from the sky as one fell another appeared and in less then a minute multiple snowflakes came down once again as it did in the morning and the clouds were still gray but they were getting darker.

" Papa does that every year because that a traditional for news 'ear day. He's every tired and- Uhm. Nezuko we need to go back home. We were already outside for a few minutes and we don't want to catch a cold "

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