My Final Goodbye?

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An young girl turned around with dark black hair and tied up in a bun. Her eyes had a purply-red to them as her she shouted a someone's name.

She was holding an axe tightly as a young boy from around the corner of the house came with piles of wood on his hands. He had medium sized piles as he waked towards the girl with black hair

He dropped the pile of wood beside her as he stretches his left arm. " Wow Nezuko, you're really working hard today. Whats up? "

The boy named Takeo asked her. He had short black hair with purply-red eyes same as Nezuko and he also had a beautiful spot at the bottom of his left eye. He had a turquoise scarf with black squares on them wrapped around his neck tightly to keep his neck warm.

" I guess so. We got to keep ourselves warm so I'll do anything to help " Nezuko says as she smiles and glenches her fist proudly as Takeo out his two hands on his hip and sighs heavily

" It's ten in the morning Nezuko. Aren't you going down town today? " Takeo mentioned as Nezuko dramatically gasps for air " Your right! I need to sell the coal today as well! "

Takeo giggles as he crosess his arms " When i turn 10 or 11 like you. I'll be able to carry to coal down town by myself "

Nezuko reaches out and strokes Takeo's hair " Yush! Yush! Yes you will. Thanks thats why your so cute " Nezuko smiles happily as Takeo knocks her hand

" Hey! " Takeo face redden and Nezuko hugs him tightly as she laughs but then dies down a bit

" Ne Takeo. Thank you for two days ago. " Nezuko says as she put her hands on his shoulders and looks at the young boys face

" Nezuko. I always do this with you so stop saying ' Thank you ' Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta and mom came with us as well as it was like a family trip Well, except visiting a grave"

Takeo explains as he shrugs his shoulder and closes his eyes for a few seconds. Nezuko had a faint and sad smile but then changed to a happy one as hugged Takeo tightly once again.

" Nope! I'll keep saying thanks no matter what, Take! " Nezuko laughs and Takeo opens his mouth slightly as he accidentally slips causing both of them to fall.

There was a moment of silence before the two broke out laughing in the cold snow.

After finishing with the wood Takeo insisted to go back home where it's warm. The two siblings walked inside there house only to have two children run up to them and hugging them tightly.

" Nezu! Take! " The two children shouts as it got the attention of an older women who was holding the hand of another half awake child

" Hanako. Shigeru. Good morning "

Nezuko said as the boy hugging Nezuko was Shigeru and the girl hugging Takeo was Hanako.

" Good morning you two. "

Takeo says as well as he aggressively rubs Hanako's hair and Hanako laughs as Takeo smiles but has a half grin on his face as Shigeru jumps to get his head rubbed by Takeo as well.

Nezuko chuckles as her eyes made there way to the women peeking her head through the sitting room door and smiled.

" Hi Nezuko. Takeo. " She smiled and Takeo respond first " Good morning mom. " He says as he got attacked by Hanako jumping on him as Shigeru says he still has to pet his head.

Nezuko made her way to her mother and the sitting room. Her mother was kneeling on the floor as Rokuta ( They youngest siblings ) was rubbing his eyes and yawned.

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