Count yourself as lucky

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" Thanks for the help Nezuko! "

" No problem! "

Nezuko waved happily at the man who bought loads of coal off her as she also helped the man with cutting some wood since he has been cutting piles and piles of wood and selling it

Causes of that he got a very swore and back cramps.

Nezuko was already almost finished her basket of coal as the towns people were really nice and kept buying coal of her; it is the cold season so they were able to got more money.

Nezuko just made another detour as a boy kneeled at her as a woman was shouting his name. Apparently a vase broke and the women thought it was him and he said it wasn't.

I found a slight strand of fur at one side of the vase and said it was most likely a cat. The boy was so happy he almost started to cry as his mother nodded and said he was lucky.

Nezuko put her hands at the back of her back and stretched hearing a few cracks. Nezuko shivered and choked out a chuckle as she put her hands on the strings of the basket, continued to walk.

She breath through her mouth as her hot breath turned steam by the cold air with her cheeks and nose were crème red but luckily her mother wrapped the turquoise scarf on her as her neck was warm.

" Since I'm all out of coal i should go back. It's really getting late anyway. The stars are already out too. " Nezuko whispered as she started to go up the mountain without hesitation but slightly slower then when she got down but the empty bag really helps.

The sound of the snow when Nezuko leaves her footprints were satisfying too. Nezuko as the birds or animals that were hunting came out but none approached the young girl as she continued making her way ho--

" NEZUKO!! "

The sudden shout made Nezuko jerk up and flinched realizing where she was. She was near her grandfathers house and that was his voice calling her.

He was calling from out the window, most likely spotting her when he was smoking


Her granfather shouted as Nezuko slightly frowned " BUT IM ALMOST HOM-- "

" YOU CAN GO BACK HOME IN THE MORNING! IT'S NOT SAFE! " Nezuko sighed and wrinkled her nose as she wondered if she should continue but she doesn't want to be disrespectful and ignore him.

He's right too. It's dangerous at night but she can continue walking home without an issue. Though the cold is starting to get to her as the cold air creeping down her neck making her shiver.

Nezuko decided to stay with her grandfather for the night.

They spoke about how demons were real and they weren't tales as they had strength and power people would dream of having.

I asked if they would still go in your house even if the doors were closed as he answered yes so apparently demons has no manners.

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