"You Have the Right to Remain Silent."

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If you have never read an X Reader fanfiction before, here's a quick guide in order to help.

(y/n)= Your Name (e/c)= Eye Color (h/c)= Hair Color (h/l)= Hair Length (ht)= height(s/c)= Skin Color 

Time skips will be marked with''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Enjoy!


All in all, it sucked being a rookie cop in Los Santos. No one respected you, not really. All you were given was petty minor disturbance calls, trashcan fires, vandalism and so on. Your FTO (Which stands for Field Training Officer) was a real hard ass and wouldn't let you do much of anything. His name was Bill, when you first came to the precinct he wouldn't let you drive the car for 6 straight months, and still the only time you get to is when he was sick and Chief says its okay. 

You sighed and thought about your day. You got coffee and doughnuts for all the fat fucks first thing in the morning, they made all the usual jokes that made you want to groan, but you'd learned better. Bill and you arrested a drunk guy who was dancing in the street, and after that got lunch at a fast food joint. Blah, blah, blah. You rolled your eyes in the back of your head. Really, you were just sick of it all, wished it was more exciting like it looked on TV or in Video games. Cops and Robbers and all that bullshit. Thank god the day was over, you could go home and finally relax, maybe watch some TV and get some sleep. 


Your apartment in Los Santos was small, but it was home. You entered through a light green door, no pets to greet you, only the pictures walls and furnishings inside. The first thing that you were itching to do was get out of that uniform, after a long day it was an amazing feeling just to be in some sweatpants and a shirt. 

You took some time to look at yourself in the mirror, running your hands over your (s/c) skin thoughtfully, wishing it was someone else gently touching you. 


You looked down and rubbed your stomach, food hadn't crossed your mind until then. Might as well get something to eat, fuck cooking.


You pulled up to a familiar fast food joint on a little red motorcycle, instantly knowing something was wrong, seeing broken windows and people hunched over. A car was whipping away down the street, and you knew that could only mean one thing. This was the kind of thing that as a cop- you were supposed to stop, and report. Stay there, wait for backup, make sure civilians are okay. 

But that's not what happened.

  It was like instinct, you just tore after them, smelling rubber burn as you pushed off. All you had to do was follow those tail lights, just for a little while. Little did they know, you knew this town like the back of your hand. It felt like you were actually doing something for once. You ducked in and out of alleys to avoid suspicion until they pulled into a small neighborhood. 

A very tall, handsome black man got out of the car, slamming the door hard. It was obvious he was not happy with whoever was in it. 

"What the fuck Lamar?! I thought you said it was a job, not a fuckin robbery man! Fuck is wrong with chu'?!" He put his hands in the air dramatically and dropped them. "I'm not doing this small time shit no more, fuck, I just wanted to visit my Aunt."

Franklin Clinton X Reader (Two Sides of the Law)Where stories live. Discover now