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It had been 2 years since you had first met the enigmatic Franklin Clinton. Obviously you had to keep your relationship a secret, but all in all things went well. The perks of dating a multi-millionaire it was easy to get private booths, tables, and rooms at clubs, bars and so on. So you two could still have romantic date nights. 

Things had changed so much since you were a silly little rookie cop at the precinct. You got to drive the squad car alone 3 days a week, and the other four you were with your partner, John. Honestly, John was a pretty good guy, he had sandy blonde hair and deep blue, sad looking eyes. He had a heart of gold, but in your opinion he could stand to toughen up just a little considering he would cry if someone sang the national anthem at a baseball game. He was about as straight laced as a cop could come, but when you were behind the wheel, things would work a bit differently. Occasionally, you let a job slide here and there, got a little back pay from Lester, and went on with your happy little life with your pocket just a little more full.

It was about anything but the money though. Franklin gave you the type of love that you wished for. That charming, passionate, caring type of love. Caressing your skin, kissing you softly, and treating you sweetly.He may have been a thug in the streets, but he was a sensitive soul in the sheets. It was hard not to love everything about him, his luscious soft lips, and sexy square jawline. The way certain veins popped out in his muscles, and god his muscles... 

Tonight you were going over to his house to sleep over, you loved his place so much. You could swim in the pool, and have fine bottles of wine while you watched shitty old vinewood movies, and do really whatever you wanted in the gorgeous space. For a brief flash, you thought about Franklin's ex, what was her name again- Tanisha? Yeah Tanisha. She really didn't know what she was missing out on. 

You pulled up to the house that held a special little place in your heart, and parked your bike in Franklin's garage just in case any patrol cars saw it there. You were past the point of ringing the doorbell, or knocking on the door, so you just walked right on in, knowing he'd have the door open for you. You had a small bag with you, just for your uniform to put on in the morning, and other necessities. Your eyes peered the apartment, looking for your lover. 

"Franklin?" You asked, not seeing his familiar open, welcoming arms that made you feel safe. He was usually right at the door playing on his phone and waiting, "Fraaanklin." You frowned, walking from the entryway by the kitchen. Out from behind a wall, a man grabbed you, spun you around, and dipped you like a tango dancer. You shrieked in delight when you realized who it was, he planted kisses on your soft lips between the giggle fit you had following your shriek. "You startled me." You poked his nose.

He grinned down at you, "That was the point babe~" He had a playful tone. Franklin propped you back up on your feet, "How was work today?" he kissed your forehead before walking into the kitchen, picking out a nice bottle of white wine, and pouring you both a glass. 

You walked over to his couch and plopped down on it. "Oh, you know, the usual crazy shit that happens in Los Santos. Public disturbance, drunk driving, and all the other petty crimes that happen under the sun. " You thought for a moment, "There was a Deludemol truck that was stolen though that they couldn't recover..."

Franklin tensed up a bit at that last part, "Yeah... Michael told me something about Trevor's mom being back in town? I dunno,man, shits fucked up I guess." He shrugged and walked over with your wine. Both of you were in sweatpants. It was quite a beautiful thing to get to a point in a relationship where you didn't have to dress up, or wear anything fancy. It was fun when you wanted to though. The feeling of a hunk loving you without any makeup on was just enough for you though. You swished the wine around in your cup before taking a sip, and setting it down on the coffee table. "What about you?" You shifted your body so that it was against Franklin's, your curves pressing against his body. 

He put his arm around you, resting his hand in the small of your back comfortably. "Ahh, you know I don't do too much these days. Trevor is on another Merryweather kick, and as far as I know after that last job Lester wants to lay real low." He set down his glass, put his hands on your hips, and lifted you to where you were facing him on his lap. Softly, he brushed a (h/c), hair from your face and spoke, "You know I got enough money to last you, me, and our babies till we die, right?" He asked you in a serious tone, staring into your (e/c) orbs with his deep brown ones. 

"Y-Yeah..." You trailed off. 

"Then why don't you just quit that job at the station and come live with me? Have a happy, carefree life doin' whatever the fuck you want, with me." He gave you a long, passionate kiss in order to make his point. 

"We've talked about this Franklin, I have a contract, and a duty to serve with the police station. When my 10 year contract is up, then I'm free to do whatever occupation or lack of, if not I'll get sued."

"I can pay for it." He quickly added. 

"Then you'd be under suspicion." You grabbed both sides of his head, and have his forehead a kiss, before placing his head on your chest. "You've waited 2 years so far, why not eight more?"

He buried his head in your chest and sighed. "Okay." You heard him mumble through your t-shirt. 

You pulled from his embrace and flopped back on the couch, grabbing your wine glass and taking a swig. "Now, no more serious talk, alright?" 

He couldn't help but smile at you and nod. He loved the sight of you on his couch, enjoying the same luxuries that he did. All he wanted to do was give you love, adoration, dedication, and pleasure. Tonight in particular, he had something fun planned for the both of you.

Franklin Clinton X Reader (Two Sides of the Law)Where stories live. Discover now