"Holy Sh*t, John!"

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You walked into the precinct the next day, ring on your finger, and a pep in your step. The entire world was tinted by rose colored glasses, and your heart sang sweet sonnets of happiness. You tried not to show how much you were beaming inside as you made your way to the morning meeting. All of the daytime cops were gathered around the chief, speaking to their partners and colleagues as they waited for instruction. Chief was a very level-headed man, you thought. He had a handlebar mustache, and was just slightly overweight, but that never stopped him from catching anyone. He hard harsh eyes that could easily see through lies and suspicion, right now he was organizing who goes to what posts. 

After you, and several other police officers crowded the small room, tasks were dished out. Today you were supposed to be stationed in Strawberry, close to Franklin's Aunt's home. You sincerely hope that Lamar didn't have anything stupid planned for today, considering the sheer amount of shit he always got himself in. Some part of you wished you could go after him and arrest him for committing the convenience store robbery, and hurting innocent people in the process. But the other part of you knew that you couldn't, because he was Franklin's friend. However, both you, and your partner in crime knew if there happened to be another officer on duty, you'd be forced to. 

Your partner, John looked at you with wide, bright blue eyes as he idly munched on a doughnut for his breakfast. "You ready to go?" He asked, crumbs slightly spilling off his blonde mustache.

You sighed. "Yeah I guess, let's get this day over with." 

He poked you in the arm. "Wow, you didn't sound completely bummed out that time. You get some good sleep or somethin?" His bright eyes beamed.

You put your hands behind your back, to hide the ring on your left finger. "Yeah, you could say that." You lied. In reality you had very gotten little sleep. Franklin had kept you up a very long time last night.

John thought nothing of it, but in the corner stood your old FTO, Bill. The old cuss had watched you flat face lie to your partner, and his suspicion rose about you. In this type of life, you didn't lie to your partner unless there was something massive to hide. There had always been teasing about how they never saw you with a guy. A couple of officers even tried their luck asking you out, only to be cold-heartily denied their affections. He decided that you were his new target of investigation. 

Strawberry was a part of the down that had some gang activity, sometimes drive-by shootings. That's why it was the LSPD's new prerogative to have cops patrolling at least four times a week. You were rarely stationed in this area, but were always nervous when you did. If you saw Franklin, you couldn't even wave to him without getting him on the radar. 

You thought about Franklin a little more, daydreaming. Thinking about all the sweet things about him. One night when you were left a nightclub, there was a homeless man sitting in the alley. Instead of walking by like he was some sort of trash, Franklin stopped. He looked at the man and crouched down. "Eh, dog, it's gonna get better, trust me." After he spoke, he took out his wallet and gave the man 50$. The man's eyes shined with gratuity, and he repeated a weak little thank you over and over. Franklin walked off as if he had just did a simple task, like finishing dishes, and you adored him all the more.

"Right there, here we go!" The sound of your partner's voice jolted you out of the daydream. A red sports car was zipping down the street, obviously ignoring all speed postings and red lights.

The LSPD car whipped out of the inconspicuous place they had picked to patrol, rubber burning on pavement. You chased after the car at an incredible speed, lights and sirens all going. If there was one thing, you had to hand it to John for being an excellent driver. He could run almost anyone down, but there was one person you knew who was unmatched in his driving skill. Bill came over the megaphone. "This is the LSPD! Pull over now!" The red car took a hard right, trying to throw you off. John got this small look of determination and grit as he slammed on the breaks and yanked the wheel, spinning the car in the direction of the speeder. He slammed on the gas, and the car pushed off hard, jolting you backward. 

"Holy shit, John!" You grabbed the handles on the inside of the car. 

His eyes flicked to you only for a second, "I'm not losing this fucker today!" He angrily picked up the receiver for the megaphone once more, "LSPD! Stop your fucking car now!" The driver pulled onto a freeway and began weaving in and out of cars, John did the same. He swerved around drivers before they even had any time to react. You could see his mustache move distinctly as he grit his teeth, muttering. "Kill this fucker... Just shoot it 'till it stops!"

You looked at him, wide eyed. "You really want me to uh... shoot?" You asked.

"It's time you learn how things work around here." He said. "Let's end this fucking thing! Shoot the tires!" 

"R-right!" You responded, pulling out your weapon and flipping off the safety. You shot a couple rounds out of the window, hitting the rear window, and bumper. You shot four more rounds, getting the same result. "Shit!" John took another hard turn, making your body go back inside of the car. The vehicle spun out of control, leaving the two of you wrecked facing the wrong side of traffic. This was going to be a fun one to explain to chief. 


The powerful man in front of you looked displeased, mostly at your partner though. He rubbed his grey brows and looked up, "I told you when I gave you that car it was the last one that we had for this unit. We don't get the nice things like the inner city precinct. It's going to be at least 3 months to fix it."

John's cheeks were flush with embarrassment. "...Yes, Sir." 

"And you." He motioned to you. "You let him do this idiotic shit without calling for backup? What were you thinking?" He asked.

It's not like you could really tell him that you were daydreaming about your kind, criminal boyfriend. "I, uh, I wasn't, Sir." You put your head down in shame. It seemed you had a habit of not phoning for backup. "I'm sorry, Sir."

He sighed, little buttons in his uniform stressing over his weight as he did. "All I can do for the two of you now is give you a each a bike to ride on, but you are to stick together. Do you understand me?" The both of you replied in unison. "Good. Next time call for backup." He rolled his eyes and shooed you out of his office. 

John looked like he could have cried. "Are you... Okay?" You asked. 

He looked at you and sniveled, "My car..."

You shook your head and patted his shoulder. The day was done already, by the time you filled out the report and all that. You parted ways with your partner, getting on your bike, ready for another romantic date with your lovely fiance. Little did you know, however, that a certain old investigator had a tracking device hidden on your vehicle...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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