Chapter 2 - Would You Kill Me in my Sleep?

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Chapter 2 - Would You Kill Me in my Sleep?

The second genre on this story changed from friendship to angst, by the way, because in the middle of writing the beginning of this chapter I realized that it would be stupid to mark this story as friendship when I throw in scenes like this one.

Italics (this) is Frisk's thoughts. No, Chara can not hear them.

Trigger warning for death in this chapter, and that's gonna happen a lot during this story. You've been warned.



"Pacifist this time, Frisk," they said. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the cold steel against my throat.

"Y'know, you could just, for once, ask me to do things without trying to kill me," I said, trying to keep my breathing steady. They can't know how much this scares me. I reminded myself.

Chara broke into a smile, and slowly lowered their knife from my neck. "Ah, but where's the fun in that?" They said. I sighed and rubbed my neck. I need to find some way to get them to stop doing this. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

They smiled. Oh no.

"Actually, I changed my mind." They smiled, and my heartbeat skyrocketed. They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. I backed up as much as I could, but my back pressed against the wall that suddenly formed around me.

Right. That is the Void, so Chara's in control of the area around us. I can't get away. "C-Chara... what are you doing?" They smiled. My eyes flicked down to their wrist, and I saw them adjust their grip on their knife.

Chara's gonna kill me. Chara's gonna kill me. Chara's gonna kill me. Chara's gonna kill me. Chara's gonna kill me. Chara's gonna k-

A knife plunged through my stomach.


I sat up in a bed of golden flowers and clutched my stomach. I took as many deep breaths as I could until I heard Chara laughing.

"Wow. I would think that if you wanted me to stop, that you would quit making it so fun to watch you come back, but here we are!" They said, and I suppressed the urge to try to hit them. It wouldn't work anyway.

"Chara," I muttered, trying to bite back any insults. Insults just made them try to kill me more often.

"What?" They asked, their tone telling me that they were waiting for anything to use against me.

Well, Chara, for starters, I hate you- "We should probably get going," I said, then turned to face away from them, so that they wouldn't see the fear I had been fighting to keep out of my eyes.

"Frisk," Chara said, their tone far more concerned and less murder-y than it had been seconds before. That surprised me, and I slowly let myself turn around. Chara sighed. "I've told you how at the beginning of most timelines, you're usually passed out there for an hour, right?" They said, nodding towards the flower bed I had been sitting on.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You woke up early this time."

It was a simple statement, but it meant far more than it ever should have.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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