OC Review

421 7 7

Name: Chase Miller 

1) 'Kay. Nice name, not too overused. Fun fact: Chase means "Hunter" and has origins from the English language. But feels like you went to a name generator, put the setting to "All-American" and picked the first one. 

2)The musician?

 Gender: Male 

Male OCs are pretty rare nowadays. Good job!

 Sexuality: Gay 

Good job with the diversity! But make sure not to fall into any tropes, or stereotypes. Research before you write.

Ethnicity: Caucasian 

Almost every OC is caucasian, unless they're a descendant of the 7. But there is nothing wrong with being Caucasian. It's just overused.

 Godly parent: Iris 

Pretty original. Any special powers?

Species: demigod

 Weapon: dagger 

Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold? Or maybe drakon bone? And remember, there are other weapons then the traditional "Sword, Bow, or Dagger" A little diversity with weapons would add a dash of originality into this character.

Age: 16 

16 seems like the default age for all OC's. But there is nothing wrong with being 16, but almost every original character I encounter is either a little kid, 15, or 16. But thats because 16 is the ideal age. Not childish enough that the readers lose interest, but not grown up enough that he loses that amazing spark we get when reading these characters.

Name of friends(im not describing them)

 -Zoe jackson

Name is frequently overused. Percy didn't know Zoe very well, and most of that time she was hating him. And it's pretty weird to name your child after a dead 16 year old.(biologically) But it's your story. I never see any Sarah's. It's almost as if they can't give Percy and Annabeth children normal names.

 -Alex Brynt 

Cool, an OC friend. Nice to make sure this isn't just descendants of the canon children.

-Luke Jackson(SO) 

1) Like the baseball player? 

2) The name is sooo overused. Why would Percy give his child Luke's name? Luke died a very painful death. I can't see someone naming their child after someone who repeatedly tried to kill them. But again, Percy may have had a change of heart, and decided to honor him. With his child, of course.

3) I am sooo a hypocrite for saying #2. I have an Ethan Jackson in one of my stories.

-Lynn Ishida

 -Fiona Yoo 

- Malorie Shaling 

- Mark Ali 

Nice balance between OC characters and canon. (Well, they're all OCs, but you know what I mean.)

 Relations: well iris cabin and arent they all related technically 

Well, I guess they are.

 Personality: Optomistic, an Introverted Extrovert, a little bit goofy 

So, an ambivert?

Good Traits: Sweet, Caring, Motherly in sort of a way 

Flaws: Blunt, Cant trust easily, overthinks 

So, he's everything? Goofy, yet overthinks? Caring, but can't trust? I think you should try to think about what this character is like at his core. And try to make his good parts match with the bad. Like Percy. His flaw, loyalty, matches up with his good traits, (well, that's because they're the same thing.)

Fatal Flaw: Paranoia 

 Backstory: he had a good childhood from his father but while going to school when 14 he had a boyfriend. At first it was healthy but then Boyfriend started becoming toxic. They eventually broke up but still affects his relationships with other people, he isnt as trustful as he used to be with before and that caused him to be anxious and overthinking a lot. 

Okay, not homeless, so that's good. And not "abusive parents either." In fact, I haven't seen this backstory before. (Well, in PJO. In literally everything else, I have. "Abusive boyfriend makes it hard for me to trust people" sounds familiar, but usually for female leads in books on Wattpad)

Hair color: his main hair color is pastel purple(dyed), put loves dying his tips random pastel colors) 

Exotic hair feels a little Gary Stu-ish, but since he's a child of Iris, I'll let this slide.

Eyes: Sapphire Blue 

Blue eyes are typical, but the eye color needs to be SOMETHING. Pretty nice, good job!

Height: Slightly shorter than average 16 year old boys 

Ah, not too short, but not tall. Good job!

Love interest: Luke Jackson

Hmm? What's this? A possible sub-plot in the making? Will Luke reciprocate his love? Would the child of the legendary Percy Jackson really go out with a lowly Iris camper? Is Luke even into pastel colored dudes like Chase?

Or are they already going out? Does Percy approve of them? What's going to happen?

All in All:

Gary Stu Rating: 12.4%

Character Ranking: A-/B+  or  89.2%

Notes: This character is a pretty good character, just needs to be developed in some places. I would read a story starring Chase, as his life seems pretty interesting. Know that you should make sure his flaws and good traits are not contradicting each other. Don't make him everything. However, this is a character with faults you should keep. 

But there is something I see in almost all OCs: "Doesn't trust at first, but is really loyal to their friends." Paranoia is a nice flaw that isn't over used, and his parent is original. Not many use a child of Iris for the main character, only as sides. What I want to know is this: Does he have any powers? Any special affinity with rainbows?


And for the rest of you: I think I'm going to create a Percy Jackson review shop. I'll review OCs, fanfics, covers, and do reviews of the top books in the Percy Jackon tag, bad ones, and really good ones! I would also move the OC review shop to there. Would you guys be interested in that?

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