Chapter 14

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StariiStarlings now there's nothing for you to spoil (Also I have a story called Ringlords if anyone wants to check that out. Shameless self plug. Enjoy)

TW: Kidnapping. I'm sorry.

Alex POV

Okay so, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't get away with ignoring my fathers existance for very long.

I couldn't see it coming and neither could anyone else. But when you piss someone off its bound to happen eventually.

John and Eliza were at class. Mine were canceled today so I went to the library. The library is always quieter than the dorm even when no one else is there.

After a few hours of studying at the library I decide to go out and get some coffee. So, I grab my stuff and put it all away. Then I grab my backpack and make my way to the small local coffee shop on 88th.

I didn't want anything from the Starbucks in the commons.

Not a lot of people were there so it didn't take long to get my drink. 

When I left the cafe and I started making my way back to the dorms when someone from an ally way grabs my wrist.

"Can I help you?" I ask worriedly.

He nods his head and pulls me closer to him.

"Hey man, I'm already in a relationship," I say. Of course because when your worried about getting raped talking will fix the problem.

"I'm not trying to rape you. I'm fulfilling a task," He huffs. Then he covers my face with a cloth and sticks a needle in my neck vain. I feel my eyelids get heavy and my body feel like its disapearing. My knees buckle beneath me as the world fades slowly away.

John POV

Like usual, class was boring. So when I started feeling tired my first though was that its just because I'm bored.

However, when black lined my vision I realized that wasn't the case.

Either Eliza or Alex is hurt. I started to quietly panic as everything that could be happening to one, or both, of them floods through my mind.

I can't use my phone so I went to the next best thing.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"So I'm not the only one feeling weird rn?" Eliza responded. 



"Are you okay?"

"Alex please answer us."

He never responded.

As soon as my last class was over I raced to my dorm. Eliza was there too. Everyone else was still in class since ours ended early today.

"Anything?" I ask.

"No. I was hoping you would know," She responds. You can hear how paniced she is.

I can feel how panicked she is.

Alex, you better be okay.

Alex POV

I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck and a cold metal clamp around my ankles, wrist, and waist.

Where am I?

Suddenly everything that happened floods my mind and I start to panic. I look down and notice a bunch of writing on my arm.

I'm sorry loves, I wish I could answer.

I look around the room.

I appear to be in a basement of sorts since there are no windows and its absolutely freezing in here.

The large dorm opens and I stop my movements in fear of whoever it is.

"So you thought you could just ignore me huh?"


I'm sorry blame my friend

I write angst I don't really know what you expected

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I write angst I don't really know what you expected.

Love To The Third Power [Hamilton Elams Soulmate AU] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now