Chapter 20

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Check My Announcements

Alex POV

Eliza invited Angelica over so we could tell her. We already told the rest of our friends but we all agreed we should wait before telling Angelica. However we have to tell her before Eliza starts showing.

Granted we still have a couple months before that starts happening but lets not risk it.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and John and I freeze. Eliza laughs and stands up to get it and greets her sister.

"So what did you guys need to tell me?" Angelica asks as her and Eliza sit down.

"Okay, before we tell you, you have to know that it was not the boys fault. It was mine. Also we already told the rest of our friends but we are worried about your reaction," Eliza starts. Angelica raises an eyebrow but nods.

"About a month ago, while Alex was at work and John was at the store... a man stopped me as I was walking down the street and drugged me. I started feeling abnormally tired and sick so I went to the hospital," Eliza explains.

"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" Angelica asks, anger yet understanding laces her voice.

"I'm... pregnant..." Eliza mutters.

Angelica doesn't respond and pulls her sister into a hug with a big smile on her face.

"I'm going to be an auntie," She mumbles. Eliza laughs.

"Wait... you aren't mad?" John asks worriedly.

"Oh I'm mad... but not at you," Angelica responds. John and I sigh in relief.

Eliza and Angelica pull John and I into the hug as well and we stay like that for a few minutes before pulling apart.

"Have you told ours and Johns parents yet?" Angie asks. We all shake our heads.

"We were kind of more worried about telling you then we were about telling them..." I state.

"Glad I scare you. Anyway, I have something that I want to tell you guys too," Angelica responds with a huge smile on her face.

We all look at her, confusion evident on our faces before she continues.

"I met my soulmate," She says.

"Thats great!" Eliza cheers, "Who is it?"

"His name is John Church. Its a guy I work with," Angelica explains.

We all continue talking for a little bit longer before Eliza starts falling asleep and Agelica has to leave.

Gotta say, that went better than I expected it too.


Short chapter but Im writing like 8 stories right now and I just jrjdjjdjdjdjd

I'm sorry.

Love To The Third Power [Hamilton Elams Soulmate AU] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now