(Luna's POV)
I pulled out my bare foot out of the sand as I trudged behind the Titans. I rubbed my sore back, wincing in pain. Having 14 foot wings dragging behind you, while still growing isn't as fun as it sounds. Suddenly, all the Titans stop, letting me run into Starfire.
"It is the alright." She answered.
"So... Why are we stopping?" I ask.
It's weird... I move to the front and feel cool moist air hit my face. But, when I step back, the hot sun hit my raw and burnt cheeks.
"It's almost like... A dividing line, you know?" Said Beast boy.
"No, I don't know." I say, letting the sarcasm kick in.
Robin drew in the dotted lines and told me everything.
"There's almost like a dividing line between the desert and almost like a tropical forest."
I nodded my head, thinking about every detail.
"Is there water near by?" I asked.
"Oh yeah." Answered Raven, "Almost too much water."
"W-What do you mean by that?!" I stammer.
"That's the thing..." Robin started, "I'm guessing that there's about 70% of water covering the land...."
He's right. I strain my ears to listen to a silent sound of rushing water.
"What am I going to do?! I can't see past land, let alone swim..." I start.
I strong grip grabs my shoulder.
"Well, we're just going to help you with that." Says Robin.
"Pfft. How are you going to do that? Piggyback rides?"
I sigh with displeasure as I cling onto Robin's neck. I wish they wouldn't take things so seriously! I felt something cold run over my feet that make me jump.
"Don't worry. It's just water." Soothed Robin.
"Ugh, this sucks..." Beast boy says in the back.
"It wouldn't stink if you thought about flying." Snapped Raven.
"Oh, that would make sense." Beast boy answered, sounding a little embarrassed.
I sighed again, this is going to take forever. At least we're out of the sun and into the cool forest. The sounds were very soothing, almost calling me to sleep. With the swaying of Robin's foot steps and the sounds of birds calling, the soothing wind, and rushing water, I suddenly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
(Robin's POV)
It took me a moment to realize that Luna was sleeping. I noticed that her body went limp and a slow steady breathing took place. Luna is probably the lightest person I know. She's probably a good 85 pounds, so it was easy carrying her around. Her hand kept flopping down a few times, but other than that, it's been great. While stepping over a rock I felt something hard on my shoulder. I look back to see Luna still asleep, but a necklace around her neck. It falls past my shoulder so I can see it properly. It was the necklace I have to her on her birthday. We call it the miracle necklace because every time she almost died, she was wearing it, and it's been saving her life.
"Robin, what are you staring at?" Luna mumbles, putting me back into reality.
"Nothing." I say quickly and I face forward. The water seemed to be getting deeper and deeper. A few hours ago, it was to my knees. But now it's to my hips at the moment.
"Robin, I'm going to get down." Luna says, trying to drop off my back.
"Be careful." I say as she falls into the water with a splash. I grab her hands, and pull her out of the water. She cough and gags a few times on the water as I pat her back. Luna wipes the water off her face and starts to ring out her now short hair. I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, just peachy. Wet and peachy." She snarled.
I just sighed and took out my hand.
"Just hold onto my hand."
She pulled back and snapped,
"I can do it by myself, thank you very much."
She shuffled past me through the water. She was shorter than me, so it was funny to see the water go up to her ribs.
"I wouldn't step there if I were you."
I warned too late as Luna fell into a deep water hole. The top of her head was covered by the water, sending her under. All I could see was her arms flailing above the water. I groaned and came over to pull her up and out of the water. I grabbed for her hands and pulled her up. She wasn't coughing and gaging like last time. Her face was bright with excitement.
"Think I found something in that hole." Luna chirped.
"Not to rain on your parade Luna, but how could you tell?" Ask Beast boy.
She rolled her dull gray eyes and said,
"I could tell because, how can I feel fresh air underwater?"
"Well, that makes sense." Raven scoffed.
"I could try to show you." Luna offered.
"Okay, let's check it out." I agreed.
One by one, with Luna leading, we all went down the hole. It only took a second to feel fresh and breathable air. Luna slightly smiled and said,
"Told you."
Luna sat on the ground and sighed with relief.
"I can see again! Well sorta..."
"Dude, Cy, where are we?" Asked Beast boy.
"We're in some kind underwater cave." He answered.
"Do you think we will meet the Aqua Lad again?" Asked Starfire hopefully.
"Who's Aqua Lad?" Luna asked.
I groaned and remembered him. Starfire and Raven were both making goo-goo eyes at him almost all the time. Beast boy seemed to remember him too, as he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I don't think we'll find him here Star." Cyborg said, which was almost reassuring to me.
"So... shall we keep going?" I asked.
"Yeah, let's go." said Luna, nodding her head, and once again leading the way.