chapter three

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"I agree Anne, we have to send her to a mental hospital."

It's been one week since my release from the hospital. Only one week.

"Peter, I know, she's been talking to thin air and having conversations with no one. She must be going crazy. I just, Eden, she's my daughter, I can't send her to a mental hospital. She just got out of a regular hospital."

"Anne, we have to do what's right for her mental health."

And that's how I ended up here. In front of this really prestigious looking mental hospital because my parents think I'm insane. They think I have schizophrenia. I don't. I just have been talking to Luke a lot lately and shutting them out.

"Hi my name's Ashton, I'm your guidance counselor. Would you care for a tour?" This very attractive boy, who was probably very off limits, offered.

"Uh, yeah." I managed to squeak out.

He showed me where the girls rooms were, where the boys stayed, and everything else such as the cafeteria and recreation center.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?" I nodded. "Here let me get that for you." He grabbed one of my suitcases and started towards what I assumed was my room.

"Well, uh.." He said looking down at his clipboard. "Eden. Very pretty name, here is my card and just call me if you need anything." He smiled showing his dimples, and I nodded. He must give all the new patients his number, right?

"Well, get settled in." He said, strolling out of the room.

"That guy is a prick." Luke had suddenly appeared sitting on the bed that I assumed was mine since it was bare.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Luke, I've been here for only like 10 minutes and he's the first person I meet and you can't even be happy that I am having a better time that I thought in this hell hole."

"I'm sorry, but I think he only wants to get in your pants."

"That's you think about every guy I meet. You said that about that guy Calum I met in the market last week."

"But, I actually care about you. He doesn't even want to get to know you or he would have stayed and talked to you."

"Shut the hell up, Luke. I'm gonna text him right now." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"No, no, no please don't!" He pleaded.

Just then, a brunette girl walked into my room. She was very pretty, and I was very jealous. She must be my roommate. Her face was perfectly shaped and her features fit her face beautifully.

"Hi, I'm Caroline! You must be Eden? My roommate. Meet my friend Gillian." She said gesturing to thin air. And that's when I realized why I was here. I am crazy. Luke isn't real and I'm not talking to anyone. Except myself. But some part of me believes that Luke is real. A huge part of me.

"H-hi Gillian." It felt awkward talking to no one.

Just then, Luke came back.

"Hi, Eden."

"Hi, Luke."

Caroline was content on her side of the room not bothering to glance in my direction.

"Do you really believe I'm not real?" He asked, sounding as if he was holding back tears.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" He nodded.

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