Stockholm syndrome Part 3

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"S-shes safe." I say looking at him. He scoffs, "where's the fucking proof?!" He yells. I look away, "I promised her I'd stay alive, I don't want to break that promise." I say seeing my sister in the mirror behind him, "why would She want you to be alive?" He asks me causing me to smirk, "now Chuck!" I yell causing a bullet to fly into y/ns dad. I go over to my dad and free him, "you alright sweetie?" He asks gently touching the hole on my shoulder causing me to flinch, "let's go dad." I say to him. We leave and go back to the safe house. As soon as I open the door y/n comes over to me and hugs me not caring about who was looking. "Lizzy, you're hurt!" She says biting her lip and looking at the wound, "it's nothing honey relax." I say cupping her cheek. I kiss her gently causing her to wrap her arms around me and smile gently against my lips, "where's my dad?" She asks gently. "Honey," "Lizzy...what happened?" She asks worriedly. "He shot me, Chuck shot him." I say to her, "I don't think it was lethal." She looks away from me but I kiss her again. "I'm sorry." I mumble. "Lana, c'mon we need to fix you up." Chuck says from the basement. I look to my girl and she's looking to the ground in confusion, "please baby..." I whisper against her. She looks up at me, "let me call him..." she says gently. I nod handing her my flip phone, "break it when you're done." I tell her before heading downstairs. I see chuck and sit at the table we had and take off my shirt Chuck looking at the wound, "at least it's your shoulder." She says sighing as I sit down. I nod, "just do it already." I grumble not looking forward to this. She grabs the bullet and pulls it out causing me to yelp, "Lana, are you okay?" Y/n says coming over to me and holding my hand, "you're staying?" I ask her. She smiles and nods taking my hand in hers, "I'll be here." She says with a gentle smile. I smile at her gently but scream when I feel a stinging on my wound, "I'm sorry Lana," Chuck says. Y/n straddles me and hugs me and I hug her back with my free arm as Chuck stitches me up. When she's done she hands me a sling for my arm and I put it on reluctantly then y/n brings me upstairs, "wait a sec, want you to meet my dad." I say to her grabbing her hand and pulling her to Charlie's room where I heard them talking. "Daddy this is y/n, y/n this is my dad." I say introducing them. "The daughter of the cartel?" He says concerned and confused. I nod, "yeah but, she's not like them." I say smiling at her softly. She smiles back and takes my hand in hers, "she's my girl..." I say looking at her. I hear knocking on the door from downstairs and Chuck yells that she'd get it. I talk with my dad and y/n until we hear heavy footsteps on the stairs and we turn to face the door and cops point guns at us, "freeze put your hands up!" The cops yell at us. I look to y/n, "y/n how could you do this..?" I ask her tears breaking away from my eyes, "Lizzy I didn't! I didn't call them! Lizzy!" The police bring her downstairs as they arrest us.

Your POV
I try to break away from the police but they wouldn't let me go. I begin to cry and yell to Lizzy, "Elizabeth! I didn't call them!" I scream through tears, "y/n!" My dad says happily. I just continue to cry as he gives me a tight hug, "darling I was so worried!" He says to me. I didn't answer just crying, "how could you call the police daddy! I love Lana!" I say angrily, "you're crazy, she's manipulated you and you fell for it. You don't think she actually loves you do you?" He asks frowning at me. "I-I do! I know she loves me dad!" "Bullshit, she used you, never cared about you or how you felt only about herself and her company." "She just wanted to save her dad, she didn't even really want to hurt me." I say angrily. My dad shakes his head, "c'mon y/n we're leaving." He says angrily. I hear the police coming downstairs and see lizzys green eyes staring at me and I cry harder, "Lizzy!" I say running over to her and kissing her passionately, "I love you, I didn't know any of this was going to happen I'm so sorry, I love you so much..." I say to her cupping her cheek. Before she can say anything the cops pull me away from her and lecture me on socializing with the prisoner, not even really hearing him because of my focus on the blonde haired girl getting escorted out by the police. My dad takes me home and I just cry, unsure of what to do and was like this for a few days until I hear a tap on my window. I go over to it and my eyes light up when I see Lana standing there on my roof. I smile and open my window letting her in and she looks at me, "tell me the truth." She says softly. I look into her eyes, "I love you, I did call my dad and I think he tracked the location, I'm sorry I didn't mean it to turn out the way it did." I say to her. She pulls me into her arms and kisses me gently, "I love you too..." she says pulling away stroking my cheek gently. I hugged her tight and begin crying against the black sweatshirt she was wearing, "I was so worried I'd never see you again, or never hold you like this again." I say to her looking up at her. She wipes my tears away and kisses me again and I slip my hands into her hair, "I have to tell you something y/n..." she says biting her lip, "Lana can it wait..?" I say smirking as I kiss along her neck and push her gently towards my bed, "I want to prove to you how much I care about you Lana." She bites her lip and sits on my bed, "I don't think this is a good idea though, not here." She mumbles, "let me tell you y/n." She says pushing me away gently. "What?" I ask her now worried, "I'm leaving." She says looking up at me. My face drops and I sit next to her on my bed, "I have to or I'll always be in danger even though I got bail." She says sadly looking away from me. "It's because of my dad and his business isn't it?" I ask her. She puts her hand on my thigh and looks into my eyes, "yes. Not yours." She says. I nod and she gives me a gentle kiss, "I love you." She says pushing my hair behind my ear. I nod glancing away from her, "I came here to ask you to come with me." She says her hand going on mine. I look up at her to see that she's dead serious, "you think they won't come after me again?" I ask her gently. "Not if we both disappear." She says, "If they can't find either of us, and we haven't told anyone, they can't come after us." She says rubbing my hand with her thumb. "Lizzy, I don't know..." "all I want for us is to have fun and be able to get away from all this, especially with you and not worry about getting shot. I'm in love with you y/n, and I want to run away with you. I'm leaving are you coming with me?" Her green eyes were pleading and I couldn't say no. We get to her car and she starts it up and leave. We go to a random hotel and when we get in there Lizzy pushes me onto the bed and wraps my legs around her ass to pull me against her. Our lips move in sync and her hands rest on my waist her hips gently pushing against mine causing us to both moan out in pleasure. Lizzy takes off her sweatshirt and we begin kissing again. I place my hands on her shoulders and she tenses flinching, "what's wrong?" I ask her concerned. She kisses my cheek, "take it off." She mumbles to me as she kisses my neck more. I pull up her shirt revealing a very lacy bra that only had little flowers covering her nipples. My eyes go to her face and she gives me a small smile, "remember the other day?" She asks glancing to her shoulder. I follow her gaze and remember my dad shooting at her. I run my hand along it biting my lip, "I shouldn't have let you go on that raid." Lizzy shakes her head and pulls me onto her lap  "I would've gone anyway babe." I sigh and kiss her, stroking her cheek gently. I feel he grab my ass and I whimper and bring mine to her pants tugging at them causing her to chuckle. "Needy are we?" She asks smirking at me. I giggle, "not needy, just missed you." I mumble against her neck before kissing it. She smiles and pulls away slightly only to smile at me, "are you okay with this?" She asks me with concern in her eyes. I bite my lip, looking at Elizabeth in her underwear, hovering over me and look into her eyes, "please honey..." She whispers against my ear giving me a kiss against my cheek. I pull her to me and we kiss again and as we pull away I give her a little nod, "make love to me Elizabeth..." I whisper staring into her dark green eyes. She smiles and takes off my shirt looking at me with a dorky smile. I giggle as she kisses down my neck to my bra, "this is pretty..." she says as she tugs at the light blue straps her eyes looking over my breasts and the patterns on the front. I bite my lip and look away from her shyly, "hey don't do that y/n, this is amazing, and blue is my favorite color." She says smiling at me reassuringly. I bite my lip and look back at her. She looks up into my eyes and kisses my collar bone kissing down it as she pushes down my bra strap. I feel her reach around me and unclasp my bra causing me to hum. She smiles slightly and kisses down my breasts as she moves my bra away from chest. She throws it to the floor glancing down at my breasts hungrily. She kisses them until she gets to my nipples taking them into her mouth, sucking gently. I put my hand into her hair stroking it as she leaves hickeys across my chest and down my body to where she wanted to be. I bite my lip looking at her nervously, "you okay honey?" Lizzy asks me gently. I nod and she begins to kiss the insides of my thighs before kissing my entrance, "Lizzy stop teasing."  I arched my back when she suddenly swirled her tongue against my clit, then dipping her tongue into me before pushing it in and out of me at a painfully fast rate. "Oh, shit, Lana, okay- right there," I breathed out as her mouth worked against my folds. Lizzy swiped her tongue out from my hole as I whined, pulling on Lizzy's hair tightly causing her hands to tighten on my ass. I desperately pushed her head in closer, but she pulled away from my clit to tease me. She took her long slender fingers and pushed them against my folds rubbing slightly, "you like that?" She mumbles looking up from my core slightly, "you're so amazing Liz..." I gasp out as her tongue slipped into my wet core, making me scream out her name in pleasure as she replaced her tongue with two of her fingers and began to thrust them into me as she kept sucking on my slit hitting a very nice spot. I started to shake as her fingers pumped steadily into me, my hips desperately grinding against her mouth and fingers with each stroke. "Liz, i-I think I'm going to cum," I breathed out as I started to lift my hips, letting lana have more access as I almost reached my high. I moaned simultaneously, grinding her mouth against my clit and letting her fingers hit deep within my g-spot. "Lizzy!" I scream as her fingers go faster inside me, her tongue flicking gently but quick against my nub as I came on her fingers. "F-fuck...Elizabeth." I whimpered coming down from my high. She smiles at me softly and gives me a kiss. We lay together for a few minutes, recovering from my high, Lizzy just relaxing. After I felt myself re-energized I smile at Lizzy, "round 2?" I asked her eagerly. She giggles and with that I return the favor.

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