Dirty Hollywood (Glenn Danzing)

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For zoe_g55

Glenn was walking the dirty streets of Hollywood to get to his job at the bar. The clinking and clanging of cups was what made the twelve hour shift worth it.

I had visions, I was in them

I was looking into the mirror

To see a little bit clearer

The rottenness and evil in me

Fingertips have memories

Mine can't forget the curves of your body

And when I feel a bit naughty

I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes

Glenn's friend Danny had just walked in.

"Hey Dan." Glenn said.

"Hey Glenn." Danny said.

I'm not sick but I'm not well

And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in Hell

Been around the world and found

That only stupid people are breeding

The cretins cloning and feeding

And I don't even own a TV

It sucked that Danny and Glenn were in two different locations of the bar for work. At least if his best friend was with him, Glenn would enjoy his job more.

I'm not sick but I'm not well

And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in Hell

I'm not sick but I'm not well

And it's a sin to live so well

Danny walked to his post getting ready to start his day. Glenn started his day and didn't moan and groan much.


Author's note: sorry that was so short. I didn't know what to do with this.

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