The subject isn't important (Frankie Valli)

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I pushed the door open on a stormy night. I was invited to this mansion by someone named Kerry. It was a party for someone I knew who was very close to me. His name was  Francesco but he was known to many as Frankie.

The mansion was dark and kind of scary inside. There was a man sitting in a chair with a cat on his lap. I then realized that Frankie was sitting there. I stood there while he spoke.

"Don't be shy. I saved you from death. Don't you remember?" Frankie asked.

I did remember but I didn't say that I did. I kind of was embarrassed to speak on the matter.

"It was by the lake." Frankie said.

The lake, lake, lake...

The word "Lake" brought back the memory. That February morning I had went ice skating with some friends. Nobody warned us or me about cracked ice. It just so happens that my skate got stuck in cracked ice. I remember trying to pull my foot free but I ended up falling in.

"Help!!" Abby yelled.

I went under the water but my friends Kevin and Will pulled me out before it got worse.

"What's the problem here?" Frankie asked.

I was in and out of consciousness. I don't even remember when Frankie got there or being pulled out of the frozen water.

"Our friend Ruby fell through the ice." Abby said.

I was wet and shaken. Still drifting in and out of consciousness. Frankie crouched down by me and talked to me.

"Ruby can you hear me?" Frankie asked.

I moved my head weakly to nod.

I came back to my senses as I answered him.

"Yeah it was by the lake." I said.

Frankie nor I said anything more on that day. I do know he's a hero.

My hero.


Author's note: Sorry this wasn't that good. I don't really like how I ended this.

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