81. Nightmare

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It was utter chaos. No one knew what was happening but people were running everywhere - looking for an exit. Any window, and door, or anything from which they'll be out of the place. It was like someone tied firecrackers behind each and everyone and lit them up causing all the people to go haywire and run for their lives.

There were screams, cries, and whatnot. Many were running, many were trapped inside rooms, many were trying to rescue them, but it all felt like a bunch of Tauruses were on the loose - like a rampage.

There were two familiar faces - John and Emily. They were in a familiar building but not too known - like a blur - while everyone was going crazy, running for their lives, John and Emily were standing still inside what felt like a mall - observing the actions of each individual from the 3rd floor - the topmost floor - and somehow in that utter chaotic scene, both of them were calm - calm like trees in winter - dead looking but life inside.

John and Emily placed their weights on the railing as they heard someone cry for help, "Help, please, anyone? My babies are still inside the store and the door is stuck. Please, anyone?"

Even though they saw the desperate woman, crying for help, they didn't even move - they just stood there watching.

"Run for your life!" Came the sound of a young man who was running with a little boy on his shoulders with a young girl, who seemed like his wife. "The fire's gonna engulf everyone!" He screamed.

Somehow, John smiled looking at their desperation and their helplessness.

In the midst of the crackling sound of the fire and the destruction that it was causing, came a sound of something falling down with a loud bang and a loud shriek and cries of a baby - cries that continued on and on.

"Please, someone help me! I'm stuck inside with a baby. The fire had burnt almost all the clothes and the smoke inside is..."

"So, sad..." John clucked his tongue with an atrocious expression on his face - an expression that said, 'I don't care. I'm enjoying the view!'

"Henry!" A man called who appeared to be a chef from his attire. "Did you close the nob of the cylinder and the burner?"

Wide horrifying eyes of a mid-aged man running by his side told him that he forgot which caused the chef to roar in anger.

"What the hell, Henry! How could you be so irresponsible? You're gonna burn this whole place down - with 'PEOPLE' inside! Arggh!.... What? There's no time now. RUN!"

Emily looked down, her hands were crossed on top of each other as they rested on the railing.

"Emily, why are you grinning? We have got to run! C'mon!" John said, but Emily kept smiling.

Amid all the stampede, a loud bang came from the 2nd floor, and then a scream merged with the screams of people trying to save their lives from the monstrous fire.

John and Emily looked down. Through the transparent doors of a store, they saw a man coughing due to the smoke, trapped within the fiery flames of doom. As much as he tried to escape, the flames burnt down something which fell down and thus blocked his way.

"Run for your life!"

"We're doomed!"

"This is it..."

"I don't wanna die!"

"There has to be a way out!"

"Help! Please!"

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