89. Accusations

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"Wait!" Alesia stopped Rose and John just after they had taken a few steps.

Both of them turned around and looked at the little girl.

"I'm telling the truth. You killed Cameron by hitting him on his head with a baseball bat which Cameron had brought with him to play with me."

"God!" Rose's patience began to fade away. She looked at Alesia's mom and said, "Handle your daughter. She can't talk to my son like that!"

There was a bit of anger and irritation that reflected but Alesia's mom was torn between the dilemma of to trust her daughter or trust this boy whom she had never met. But Alesia did have imaginary friends before. But it was her daughter. But charging someone for murdering someone was a serious crime. Whom she should believe?

"Where's the bat then?" Alesia asked John. "And why is there a bloodstain on your shirt? Is it Cameron's blood that splashed on you or did you use your shirt to wipe off Cameron's blood on the bat?" Alesia looked at the left corner of John's shirt which had a patch of fresh blood. "And where's Cameron's body? What did you do with it?" Alesia looked at her mom. "I bet he must have hidden it somewhere here." Alesia gave a look at John.

For a while, everyone stood still registering the questions the little girl just put.

"God," John replied playfully looking at Alesia. "Aren't you a little detective?" John smiled kneeling down, placing his both hands on his knees to get his eye in the line of sight of Alesia's.

Alesia still continued to give a look to John, still half hiding behind her mom.

"Well," John began getting up. "The baseball bat's over there, you can see it." John pointed in the direction of the same tree.

"I can see it," Alesia gave a cold reply.

"And when you just ran towards the building - screaming - I was a bit confused. So I ran behind you but rock came in between causing me to trip and fall down."

John looked at Rose. "I didn't want to tell you this as you were enough stressed out with dad and Hannah and everything that's going on, but I guess I have to. When I fell, I fell on a rock and it bruised me to an extent that blood came out. But don't worry, it's just a little blood." John said pointing at the left corner of his shirt where there was a small pool of blood accumulated.

John was about to lift his shirt to show his wound when Rose replied, "It's ok, John. No need."

"And as far as the body is concerned," John said looking at Alesia. "I don't think you can find it. Cameron was imaginary, so..."

"But... But... But.," Alesia wanted him to get caught, but she ran out of questions. No one was believing her.
"Mom, I swear, he kill-"

"Not another word, young lady!" Rose fired back. "That's enough!"

"Mom," John said calmly. "Let the little girl clear any doubts she has. Go on, Alesia," John smiled.

Rose rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Mom, I bet he had hidden Cameron's body near the tree or maybe on the tree - as there's no other hiding place in this open area."

Without even caring if anyone was following her or not, she strode towards the tree. Everyone else followed her.

After carefully inspecting the tree, no one found any trace of anybody.

"Alesia," Alesia's mom began, "I think you are getting out of hand."

"If you have not hidden his body here, you must have buried it!" Alesia was still adamant in proving her point.

"Are you kidding me?" Rose's anger was now on a different level. "You better watch your mouth!" Rose turned to Alesia's mother and asked, "I'm sorry but did you and your husband raised your daughter like this? To frame anyone for a crime this worst? For murdering someone? And you, you are standing here quietly. Why?"

Rose paused for a while. "You better stop your daughter from accusing my son for murdering - and for what? - an imaginary friend of her! That's ridiculous! And now she's all digging deep and who does she think my son is? A criminal who murders people and hides their bodies up in trees or in the ground? What the hell is all this? Let's go, John!" She held John's arm lightly and began to walk towards the building.

"And yes," Rose began speaking her final words before walking back. "I do not - under any circumstances - want your kid or any of you near us. Hope lord put some senses into all of your brains!"

"Mom, wait," John replied and turned to Alesia. "Alesia, if I had dug up a hole to hide the body in the ground, did you see any freshly dug or uneven surface around?" John said making everyone look around with him. "But most importantly, how do you think I even dug the ground? With my bare hands? I couldn't. Besides, my hands are clean." John showed his palms and then turned it around to show his fingers. They were all clean.

"And to dug the ground, you need a tool. Can you see anything around? And what would a digging tool do on hospital grounds, to begin with? There's no construction going on and I certainly do not carry one around with me." John giggled. "I think you have a really, really wild imagination." John bent forward placing his hands on his knees to come in the level of Alesia. "Don't ever go like this accusing people as one day your family may have to face the consequences." John smiled wickedly.

After John had hung the body on the branch of the tree, he headed back to the hospital as his mom called him. Later when all four of them were caught up in the accusations by Alesia, Diana took advantage of the foolish involvement of people in the talk of a small kid so deeply.

She went near the tree where John - her pawn - hung the body. As all four of them had their focus on each other, no one can see anything happening at a far different from them.

She looked at the body hanging on the branch and side-smiled - like she was enjoying the view of a destroyed and mutilated head of a little boy's corpse.

Through her telekinesis, she lifted the mutilated body in the air. As Diana sent the corpse away somewhere, she scoffed a laugh looking at the four of them - fighting over silly and false things.

"Stupid human," She murmured before leaving the scene.

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