86. It's All Fun And Game Until...

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"John, I think you should go and check..."

The same sound came from behind him. This time too John didn't turn around to see who it was as he thought that checking up on those kids was more important before things go out of hand - nothing can be predicted when kids are involved.

"I'm sorry, Cameron," the girl said placing her cards down as she slowly moved backward.

"No, you are not, Alesia. I only asked you for a tiny favor! All you had to do was say that 'Cameron won the game and Blake cheated'. Is it that hard?"

"But Cameron, Blake's our classmate. And he did not cheat. You cheated. I'm gonna tell the teachers about it. Blake's innocent and I can't take side with a liar. I'm sorry but I can't play with you anymore." Saying this, Alesia was just about to get up when Cameron placed his palms on the ground and got up.

"It'll get out of hand, John."

John heard the same voice again but thinking it was probably his conscious, he continued to move in the kids' direction.

"What did you say?" Cameron walked towards the tree where John saw a baseball bat resting on the trunk.

"My mom says that I shouldn't be playing with liars as they can one day trap you too in their lies. I can't frame Blake for something he didn't do. You were the cheater. Bye."

"You can't talk to me like that, Alesia. You'll regret this. I'm giving you the last chance. Say what I told you to and no one will bother you in school - other kids will sit with you at lunch too - trust me, kids do what I say." Cameron said picking up the bat.

"MOMMY!" Alesia yelled. "You can't hit a girl! And everyone was right about you - you are a bully. I thought maybe behind this act, it was a good person inside but I was wrong."


John looked behind him to find the source of the whispers he was listening all along but to his surprise, he was the only one on the ground with the two kids. There was no one else. So, who was it that John was hearing all along?

Suddenly, John's fingers curled into a fist which got tighter. John felt like the anger in the whispers from behind him, began to wrap him in anger too. With his eyes narrowed and face tightened just like his fists, he marched forward.

"HEY! YOU!" John yelled at Cameron. "Who do you think you are, Mr.? Put that bat down! You have no right to bully on the hospital ground. Forget the hospital, you cannot bully anyone anywhere!"

Cameron just stood there giving an attitude to him.

"And who do you think YOU are?" Cameron bit back.


The same voice echoed from behind him.

"Why are you bullying her?" John asked controlling his rage which kept increasing and increasing out of nowhere - like someone was feeding it into him. "She said, she doesn't want to do it. And besides, she's doing the right thing. Leave her!"

"Oh, yeah?" Cameron began sounding like a threat. "Or else what?"

"THAT'S. IT! I can't stand him. Finish him off, John!"

John nodded.

"What are you nodding about?" Cameron asked. "And.. why..." His voice started to get a bit shaky as a feeling of fright began to take over him slowly. "Wh - why are your eyes turning black, man?"

Alesia, who stood there quietly, began to shake in fear too as she saw John's eyes going completely black in front of her. She wanted to run but she was too scared to.

John's hand began approaching the bat which Cameron was holding with his black eyes fixated on Cameron with an emotionless face.

Just as John's fingers touched the bat, Cameron immediately let go of it and the bat fell on the ground.

John growled as he bent to pick the bat up.

Both Alesia and Cameron saw this as their window of opportunity to save their lives. They began yelling for help and running back towards the hospital building.

Cameron tripped and fell on the ground and just when he was about to get up to run again, he heard a voice from above him.

Cameron quickly swallowed his saliva as his body began trembling seeing John above him.

"Where do you think you are going?" John asked in a creepy voice with his head tilted to aside. "I gave you a chance, but,"

With the bat in John's grip looming above Cameron's head, John hit him with the bat on his head.

Alesia was halfway to the building when she froze in her tracks and turned around with a horrifying look on her face as she heard Cameron's screams.

Cameron's white T-shirt was soaked with his own blood. And even though Cameron died on the spot, something inside John just couldn't stop.

Alesia screamed and gathering the bleak courage she had left in her, she dashed inside the hospital to call for help.

John kept hitting Cameron's head over and over and over again. His skull was broken and the blood was all over the place causing Cameron's body to lie in it.

Still, John couldn't stop himself from all the hatred that he was being fed against the bullies.

He kept hitting Cameron's face with the blood-covered bat again and again - so much that Cameron's whole face got deformed with broken bones and tissues and with blood oozing out from everywhere.

After about five minutes, John threw the bat on Cameron's unrecognizable and fully crushed and bloodied face.

Letting out a huge breath, John began to look around. With no one in sight, he grabbed the boy's legs and dragged him all the way to the tree and hung him over the highest branch.

"Good job, Jo-"

"John!" It was Rose yelling from the entrance of the hospital building. "What are you doing? Come quick!"

Slowly, John's eyes began turning normal as he replied," Coming, mom!"

"That's him, mom!" Alesia came with her mom. "He's the one who killed Cameron!"

"What is your daughter talking about?" Rose asked the lady who was holding tight onto her trembling daughter. "Who's Cameron?"

"Hey, Alesia," John spoke in a normal voice. "I was so confused when you went inside in the midst of our game. And may I say," John turned to face Alesia's mother. "your daughter beat me thrice at the card game! She's really good." John smiled.

Alesia's mom looked at her daughter. "No, mom, he's lying. We weren't playing at all. I was playing with Cameron. And this boy killed him. I saw with my own two eyes."

"Will someone please tell me who's Cameron?" Rose spoke in between.

"He's Alesia's imaginary friend, mom. And when I told her that Cameron isn't real, she said that I killed Cameron." John replied looking at Alesia's mom's eyes - calmly.

"Alesia, that's bad. You shouldn't say that to anyone, dear."

"But mom, Cameron was a real person!"

"But you did go to play all by yourself. Remember?"

Frustrated that no one was believing her, she said, "I did come outside to play by myself, but Cameron came soon after that and we both started playing cards. Then when Cameron and I were having a bit argument, this boy came up out of nowhere and at first I thought that he was helping me but turned out, he was a murderer!"

"That's it! Young lady!" Rose shot a look once at Alesia and then her mom. "Just because I'm not saying anything doesn't mean that your daughter can just go on accusing people of murdering someone and that too who was imaginary! Let's go, John!"

Alesia's mom apologized for her daughter's behavior.

Still holding onto her mother's hand, Alesia hid behind her mom as John smiled at her before he and Rose headed inside.

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