Part 1 (Ice Alien)

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The doctor stepped out from his TARDIS into a dark corridor. Judging by his surrounding, he was in a castle of some sort. Adjusting his jacket, he grabbed his sonic screwdriver from it and pointed the green light up to the ceiling. At once the light turned on, the doctor tucked his sonic screwdriver back under his jacket and continued down the hallway silently speculating he wasn't supposed to be where he was.

After 10 minutes of wandering down dark hallways, bumping into statues, and knocking down various portraits, he reached a large wooden door stretching for the 40 foot high ceiling to the marble floor. The door lead to a room that was flooding with a very bright light compared to the darkness of the rest of the castle.

Through the door he could hear voices inside the room, well, a voice. A girl was shouting in a whisper at someone. Pressing his ear to the door, the doctor listened to whoever was behind the door.

"I swear, if I get us out of here alive I am going to snap your neck then play football with your head!" The girls voice shouted in angry whisper.

"Why on earth did I even take you with me!? This is the reason why I don't trust humans..." The girl said in a little more than a whisper to herself.

There was a thud from inside the room, then more angry whispers. The doctor tried the door but the handle wouldn't turn. Fumbling with his jacket he pulled out his sonic spinning it in the air as he did. He caught it and pressed the green glow to the door, there was a click of the unlocking door and all sound from inside the room fell silent.

The doctor pushed the door open slowly poking his head through the crack. There were 2 chairs back to back with 2 people in them. Each of the people had their ankles tied to the chairs and both their wrists tied to the others one girl facing the opposite way and one guy staring at him with a dumbfounded look on his face. The girl tried to look behind her but just angrily ended up wiggling in her chair.

"Who is it?!" The girl said angrily still trying to see. The doctor pushed the door open more and entered.

"Who are you? Are you one of them?" The guy said staring down the doctor looking for something.

"Who do you mean by them?" He asked looking around the room. The girl, still unable to see the doctor answered with a fake smile

"Untie my ankles and I'll tell you smart one" The doctor asked the other, but by the look on his face he was obviously told not to by the girl who he was definitely very scared of.

The doctor held the sonic green light to the ropes around her wrists then ankles. Then in a split second she kicked the sonic screwdriver from his hands and kicked him hard in the chest with her black studded combat boot making him fly backwards. She quickly ran over to the sonic then back to him pointing it at him who still lied on the floor with a bruise on his chest now. Sitting up, rubbing his chest the doctor gave the girl angrily staring at him a confused look.

She looked at him with an angry stiff face, then after a second her eyes widened and she scanned him over, then the screwdriver.

"Well..." She muttered now beginning to pace the room, the doctor still siting on the floor, pondering wether he should move or not. The girls long dark brown ponytail swung from side to side as she walked around. The other guy in the room looked awkwardly around patiently waiting for instruction. The girl stopped pacing and sighed.

"Since I really have no technical reason to kill you and you may be... valuable... I guess I'll spare you. Now, let's go Frank." She said then walked towards the door that was just past the doctor, as she did she tossed the sonic screwdriver back at him. The doctor caught it reluctantly.

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