Part 2 (Ice Alien)

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A loud crack echoed through the room as an opening appeared in the large piece of ice.

Quickly Alex ran over to the doctor and pulled him behind a large crate just big enough to hide the both of them. After putting a hand over the doctors mouth to keep him quiet, she looked over the crate to see the icy alien taking its shape.

She shivered as it took a jagged, rocky shape. It growled as it patrolled the room looking for more to consume.

Breathing heavily she took her hand from the doctor's mouth and turned back around hiding behind the crate silently. For once, the doctor had no clue what alien, or creature the ice my figure was, he leaned over to her and whispered quietly

"What is it?" She bit her lip wondering exactly how to answer.

"It doesn't exactly have a name, and it's not really a species." She whispered to him with an uneasy look on her face.

"I'm not exactly sure what it is yet. Some sort of alien that's practically extinct." She continued

"Like myself" she whispered, again more to herself but the doctor heard clearly what she said. Something lighted up in his chest thinking about her being an alien, but his thoughts were gone as another huge rumble echoed the room.

Alex gave out a huff then stood and walked infront of the crate greeting the alien. It stopped moving and sat in a heap of ice on the slick floor.

"What. What are you here for. What do you want?" She asked it simply, but the doctor could sense her fear.

"To take the world and disintegrate everything making it a new home for a new species" The icy monster got out with a trumendous struggle, making him sound like he had lost his voice.

"Yeah buddy, well your not the first one." She said with a fake smile as she began to pace the monster getting more comfortable.

"You see, many aliens, of many kinds, species much much scarier, stronger,and populated have tried and failed to succeed. What makes you think you can do what aliens, much better than you, cannot even do?"

The monster looked confused as it processed her points given. It then replied in the same breathy voice.

"I have abilities you cannot see" it uttered then all at once hurled it's icy self towards Alexis. She quickly dodged the alien only by a tiny bit. It was now growing in size to become much wider and thicker. A clank noise came from something as a little object fell and stuck to the floor. The alien didn't notice and proceeded to attack now shooting large icicles so sharp if they hit something they would impale it, as for they did in every wall behind her when she dodged an ice javelin being hurled at her.

Finally, the alien stopped as Alex had nowhere to go but backwards into a corner, slowly the creature advanced on her, a cold smirk creeping across its solid face of ice. Wiping the fearful look from her face she stopped walking backwards, and to her surprise, so did the alien.

"Why you stop?!" It asked in a low, airy tone. She tilted her head to side and started to talk to the piece of ice.

"Well... You see. This floor, it's a giant magnet. And metal, it's attracted to magnets. And..." The icy alien had a confused, stupid look on its face.

"Do you know what happens in something gets in between a piece of metal and a magnet?" She smiled and waited then finished.

"It gets squished." Then at that moment both aliens looked up to see the doctor, shoving a metal block over the edge of the catwalk that was just above the monster. As it fell, time seemed to slow.

The monster simply starred up at the metal knowing what was going to happen next. Alex's eyes widened with realization, she quickly dove sideways just a the price of metal hit the ice alien shattering it into a million sharp prices of icy shrapnel now flying in every which direction. The part of the plan, that she had forgotten about.

In mid air a 6 inch long price of thick ice, slammed into her chest knocking her into the wall unconscious.

Immediately, the doctor ran down from the ledge he stood at and dashed over to the girl. She was wounded but not to badly, something he could fix with rest, in just the amount of time until she became conscious again.

The doctor scooped the girl up in his arms princess style, which knowing her, she would've hated. He then carried her out of the still ice filled room finding his was back to the TARDIS

After getting there, he couldn't control his curiosity, he put a hand to where a humans heart would be, there was a quick beat. He slowly moved his hand to the other side of her chest.

There was another fast beat of her second heart.

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