Chapter 1

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It was summer. Harry Potter was lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, wide awake. He just had another nightmare about what happened a month ago : Cedric died, and Voldemort came back. Voldemort was the darkest wizard that ever existed. When Harry was only one year old, the Dark Lord tried to kill him, but the curse actually rebounded on him, and he was forced to live as less than a ghost. He wasn't dead though. And now, he was back.

Harry knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after a nightmare like this one. So he looked at the clock and saw it was 6 am. It was too early to go downstairs, so he decided to instead think about his friends and family.

Harry was stuck in Privet Drive, with his awful relatives. He barely had enough food because Dudley, his huge cousin, was on a strict diet, and to help him go through it, the entire family was now on a diet. His cousin was also an idiot. His uncle Vernon hated everything magical, therefore he hated Harry. And his aunt Petunia was kind enough to let Harry stay in her house, as long as he took care of most of the chores.

Harry had received a few letters from his best friends, Ron and Hermione, but they were meaningless. He figured they were in the same place, since their letters came at the same time and with the same owl. They seemed to know what was going on, but didn't want to tell Harry, for some unknown reason. Harry was only angry when he thought about that. 'How come they know what is going on and I don't? It's me who saw Voldemort's return! Why can't they just tell me?!' was what he thought everytime. He was angry at his best friends but he still missed them.

He also missed Sirius. Sirius was his godfather and he couldn't wait to see him again.

Harry's mind wandered to his parents. Lily and James Potter had risked their lives to protect their son. They nearly died by doing so. Now they were in a coma. They've been like this for 14 years. Harry wasn't sure if his parents would ever wake up, but he definitely hoped so. They were in St Mungo's and Harry had visited them twice already. It had been quite hard for him the first time to see them lying there motionless. He had wanted to hug them, but he hadn't been able to bring himself to actually do it.

Harry then thought about his dating life. In his third year, he'd had a crush on Susan Bones. She was a cute girl with short brown hair. She was a Hufflepuff and was very nice. They started dating after a bit, but it was mostly snogging. They had great fun together. After a couple of months, they both realized they were better as friends, and they broke up.
At the beginning of his fourth year, he'd had a crush on Cho Chang. It turned out she liked him too. They started dating in September, but their relationship wasn't really the best. At the beginning of October, they stopped dating, because they knew that if they continued being a couple, they wouldn't stand each other anymore. So instead they decided to remain friends. Not the best of friends, but friends.
And now, Harry didn't have a crush on anyone, or so he thought.

He heard his aunt get up and go downstairs. He glanced at the clock and saw it was 6:36 am. His aunt would soon call him so he could cook breakfast. 5 minutes later, his aunt came back upstairs, knocked on Harry's door and told him to go downstairs and make breakfast before the family wakes up. With a sigh, Harry got out of bed and took some of Dudley's old clothes. They were way too big for him and it didn't suit him at all. He decided that by the end of the summer he would find a day where none of the Dursleys were at home, and he would go in London and buy an entire new wardrobe. Yeah, he thought, I'll do that. I'll go shopping one day before September 1st. And with that thought in mind, he walked downstairs where his aunt was waiting and cooked breakfast.


James Potter was lying in St Mungo's, apparently in a coma. But he wasn't anymore. He started to stir a bit in his hospital bed. He then opened his eyes. He looked around. It seemed as if he was in a hospital, but he didn't know why he would be here. He then spotted his wife. She must be asleep, I should let her rest, he thought. A guy then came into the room. He probably was around 30 years old. He seemed to be in the uniform of a healer. James didn't understand why everyone wanted him to believe he was in St Mungo's. It was probably a prank. 'Pranking a marauder. What a stupid idea. I'm gonna get them back, whoever did this.' He smirked a bit at the thought of pranking someone.

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