Chapter 4

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Several days later, the cleaning all around the house was still happening, the Order's meetings were still happening, and Harry and Ginny were still dating secretly. It was the day before Harry's hearing. In other words, it was Ginny's birthday.

Ginny had gotten a few presents by Hermione and her family. Ginny was really starting to think Harry hadn't bought her anything. She realized it would be fair, seeing as she didn't give him anything for his birthday as well. But this was different. Before they were just friends, now they were dating! And now, it was night. The dinner had ended and the kids had been sent to bed.

When Ginny entered her room with Hermione, she saw a note on her bed.

Come in the bedroom on the higher floor at midnight.

Ginny thought it was probably a note from Harry and she got excited. She didn't say anything to Hermione. She checked the clock every minute, until it said 11:55 (PM). She got up and went to the higher floor. She knocked on a door and heard someone say 'Come in !'. She came in and saw, as she expected, Harry. He was wearing a white shirt and some blue jeans. He was very elegant. He was also, as Tonks said all the time, very good-looking.

Harry walked up to her and kissed her full on the mouth. She quickly kissed back and deepened the kiss. It turned into a snog, their tongues dancing together. After about 10 minutes, Harry pulled away. Harry stared into her eyes and said "Happy birthday".

She smiled "Thanks"

"I got you something"

"Really ?"

"Well, I would be a horrible boydriend if I didn't get a gift for my girlfriend on her birthday."

"I suppose..."

Harry smiled and took a box that was on a table. It was rectangular. Probably a book.

"A book ?" Ginny asked.

"Well, open it and you'll find out" Harry replied.

Ginny removed the wrapping and saw a beautiful book. The title was written with light gold letters : 792 years of magic with the Holyhead Harpies. She flicked through the book quickly. It was an amazing book. It talked about everything you needed to know if you ever wanted to play on the Holyhead Harpies. Ginny had mentioned to Harry that her favorite team was the Holyhead Harpies, and she didn't think he would have remembered. But he had remembered. He is so sweet, she thought. She looked up at Harry, who seemed nervous.

"Do you like it ?" He asked "If you don't, it's- hmph"

Ginny had kissed him. She put the book on a near table. She turned the kiss into a snog, putting one arm around his neck, and running her other hand through his messy hair.

Harry pulled back from her mouth and went to kiss her neck. Ginny moaned; he smirked. Harry went back up to her mouth, and Ginny eagerly kissed back. He put his hand on her waist, pulling her close.

Ginny pushed Harry into a chair and sat astride him. She snogged him, and he snogged back. They didn't know for how long they snogged, but when they broke apart, they were both breathing heavily. "Yes, Harry, I absolutely love the book." She grinned.

Harry smiled. "You know, I'm tired of sneaking at night to be able to be with you alone and snog you senseless. I think we should tell people we are dating."

Ginny sighed. "Yes, I want that too. I want the world to know I'm dating Harry Potter. I also want the girls and boys at school to know you're not free therefore they don't steal my boyfriend, thinking he's available."

Harry smiled. "Well, then, that's settled. We'll tell them within the week. And don't worry about the people in school, I wouldn't let them steal me. And that's IF I go back to school."

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