Chapter 9

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"Who will be meeting us ?", Harry asked.

He, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were sitting in the HogsHead in Hogsmeade.

"Just a couple of people", Hermione said. "Ah, I think they're here."

At this moment, the door of the pub opened and a huge group of people came in. At the head of the group, there was Padma and Parvati Patil, followed by Lavender Brown. Then came Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Justin Flinch-Fletchley and Ernie McMillan. After them, there was Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Micheal Corner and Zacharias Smith. Next came Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Colin and Dennis Creevey. Sarah Gley, Ginny's best friend, came in after them. Luna Lovegood followed, with her usual dreamy smile, followed by Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. And finally, Lee Jordan and Fred and George Weasley came in, closing the door behind them.

"We would like... 25 butterbeers, please" Alicia asked to the barman. She then turned towards the group "Please everyone, give 2 sickles, I don't have enough money for all of us"

Everyone gave the money and once they had their butterbeers, they went towards Harry.

"Hi Harry !" said Neville, sitting across Harry.

"Hi Neville" Harry said. He then turned towards Hermione and said, "I thought there was only a couple of people !"

Hermione smiled "Well, it seems like the idea of you teaching DADA had a lot of success."

"Hey Harry !"

Harry turned towards the voice and smiled "Hey Susan. How are you ?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking." She replied.

At this moment, Pansy Parkinson ran in. Everyone looked at her. "I'm not too late, am I ?" She asked. "I got lost, and since this pub is off the beaten track, I had a hard time finding it."

"And why would you want to be here ? To spy on us ?" Ron asked, harshly.

"Look, I know I'm a slytherin and I used to hang out with Malfoy, but I've changed. My mother is an old friend of You-Know-Who, but my dad and I aren't like that. The night he returned, my dad and I ran from our house. I need to learn how to defend myself. From You-Know-Who, from the Death Eaters, and even from my mum. I apologize for everything I've done to each of you in the past, I was stupid. But I'm not like that anymore. Please, believe me"

Hermione and Harry shared a quick glance and Hermione nodded "You can stay. But if you betray us, you'll regret it deeply"

Pansy seemed relieved "Thank you, Grang- Hermione". Hermione smiled in reply and Pansy sat at the table, next to Ginny.

Not everyone seemed happy with her presence, but no one said anything.

"Um" Hermione said. The group turned its gaze towards her, which seemed to make her nervous. "Hi. Well, you all know that we're not learning anything from Umbridge, not even how to use magic. We need to be able to defend ourselves, should the need arise. Umbridge would never teach us that. We need someone experienced and competent, someone who has faced the Dark Arts several times."

"And why would it be so important to learn how to defend ourselves ?", Zacharias Smith asked.

Hermione opened her mouth to answer but Ginny beat her to it. "Are you stupid ? Because Voldemort is back, you idiot !"

"That's what he says" Smith replied, nodding towards Harry.

"That's also what Dumbledore says" Ron said, glaring at Zacharias.

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