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Do you remember Veronica? The generous girl? Well this was something nobody really imagined that would ever happen to us but it did. Veronica literally moved away after that because she went through this painful experience and nobody really knew how to help her.

When Jake moved I with me everything became normal. Nothing bad was happening to us for months we were all just kind of doing our thing you know. Amy and Caleb practically lived with us and we were roomies in my own house which was fun because we were together all the time. One day they would make lunch and the other day we will do it. We were really organized. I went visit my mum once a month and told her about stuff we also facetimed often, she really missed me but it was better that way. Even though sometimes I really needed her. Veronica stopped by once in a while when she had time. She found this bad boy Tristan he was older than her and he was a part of a gang. Yeah, he was hot and had tattoos but not the right one for her. He was cheating on her but she loved him.

One day she found out that he has been cheating on her for weeks and she got mad. She went to his house to confront him about it. After that we didn't hear from her for days. We called her, texted her but no reply. We called the police and they opened an investigation for a missing person. Few days later she was fund at his place. Tristan was nowhere to be found and she was bitten up and rapped. That bastard rapped her not only once. She told the police that he has been rapping her for days and when she tried to escape, he beat her up to shut her up.

She went to court when they found him but she lost the case because she was the one who came to his house. She was devastated we all were for her. Even though she was quite generous she didn't deserve that. Nobody does. She moved away to her grandparent's house and we never hear from her again.

Once I was in that town and by accident ran into her. She was different it almost scared me how different she was. She was using drugs and cutting. Her hands were full of scars and she lost so much weight. She was depressed, drug addict and had anorexia. Her life changed from god to a nightmare. She saw me that day and didn't even say hi. She was too embarrassed for me to see her that low. I felt bad for her. That day when I came back, I got a call from her mother that she overdosed.

I felt devastated. If I confronted her, she might got help and get better. Because of one stupid guy and one mistake she did her life fell apart. She fell apart in front of my eyes. That night we all talked about her and the others. We had many good memories but we can still relive every death of them. Especially that one that happened in school.

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