I lost her

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After Veronica died everything became weird. There were only four of us left and we were constantly thinking who is going to be next. Is it going to be me? Or Jake? Maybe Amy? Caleb? We didn't know but we decided to not think about that stuff because it was only making us scared. We lived in my house for the past 5 years after my mum left to go live with my grandma. My father left us when I was 5 and I don't really remember him that's why I never talk about him. He passed away a few years ago because he was an addict. Yup, my life is crazy. I thought you know by now.

Now let me tell you one of the most heartbreaking stories that ever happened to me.

Amy and I were hanging in her room one day at my house and watching Netflix. We were having a girl's day because we didn't have it for a while. When suddenly Jake and Caleb opened the door and were so excited.

"What's up, guys?" Amy asked them.

"C'mon girls get dressed we are going exploring something very nice" Jake replied. He was like a little boy he was so excited.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"Caleb found this amazing prison in Chicago and is abandoned. We have to go check it out. Like seriously it's freaking amazing believe me. We could do some ghost haunting and check the area around the prison and film it. We didn't really upload a video since that child hospital. It's been years." Jake said.

"Sure, we can go what do you think Chloe?" Amy asked me.

"I mean yeah, we can go. That's going to be a little throwback. And it might be fun." I replied.

We packed our things and we were on the road in an hour. I texted my mum just so she knew where are we going like I always do. During the ride, we were having shifts. First Jake drove for 2 hours and then we switched places and Caleb would drive for 2 hours. I also checked some stuff about this prison. We talked about it like we always do when we go explore. I did a little research. The prison is actually called Jolief Correctional Center that was opened in 1858 and it was closed in 2002. They of course got bored so I stopped. In the middle of the road, we stopped and had a little break. We bought some food and drinks. We went on the road again. After 5 more hours, we finally arrived at the motel. Jake and I were so tired that we immediately fell asleep. The next day we woke up really early because we were so excited and also the prison was so big that we needed to start exploring as soon as possible. Around 9 am we gathered all together in Infront of a motel and went eat breakfast. We also took some food at the local mall there.

When we came there and we already parked, I started getting chills but Jake told me to ignore them so I did. we came to the entrance and I wasn't feeling okay but I was quiet about it. We started exploring the first floor and there were a lot of graffiti and "666" numbers. Someone also wrote some threatening words on the walls. Like YOU ARE GOING TO DIE or STAY AWAY FROM HERE but we were used to this so we ignored it. Then we came to the area where cells were. We went in and I felt something on my shoulder so I jumped. They all asked me what happened. So, I told them. But Jake smiled and said that everything is fine. We walked into this cell where a serial killer was kept and I told them that he killed a guard in this cell. We were there for 5 minutes and I was shaking. I was hearing voices and I felt somebody touching me. When I turned around, I saw him. I saw a ghost. It was that serial killer. I saw Jake through him. We all saw him and tried to run but we couldn't move. he came closer and told us to leave him alone and all the cells too, because down the hallway is something nobody can see and know about and it needs to stay like that. Then he disappeared.

I told them that we should leave but Jake and Caleb both disagreed. They wanted to know what is hidden there. They went down the hallway. They saw something that they shouldn't. We all saw a dead body. It was the owner of the prison. He had opened eyes and he was starring right into Amy's eyes. We started running to the exit when Amy tripped over something and fell through the hole down into the basement.

We called for her but she wasn't answering. I got scared and worried. I took a flashlight and searched for her. When I finally found her, I screamed. I yelled at Caleb to call 911 and took Jake downstairs with me. When I found her I started crying. She had a wooden stick through her stomach. She was bleeding and she didn't respond. I tried to keep calm and I told her she will be okay. When the ambulance arrived, they drove her to the hospital. I was in the back with her. I was crying so hard.

"I love you, Amy. Please don't do this to me." I said to her. She opened her eyes and looked at me she reached for my hand and squeezed it like she tried to pull me closer a hug me.

"I love you too Chloe. Tell Caleb that I will always love him no matter what. And please tell my parents that I love them and say bye to Jakey for me. Chloe, you are strong enough you would get through this. That's why you will always be my best friend." When I tried to tell her to fight, she was already gone. My best friend since I was in kindergarten died in front of me. I was crying and shaking. I just didn't want to face the reality that my best friend is actually gone.

When the ambulance stopped, I stepped out of the ambulance when both realized that she didn't make it. Caleb dropped on the floor and started crying so hard. I was quiet and in pain. I felt like a part of me just died. I was empty. I started to lose consciousness when Jake grabbed me.

When we drove home, we were in silence. I was crying Caleb was paralyzed on a back seat and tried not to cry. When we arrived home, we went to Amy's house where we told them everything. I told them what she said to me to tell all of them. Her mum was so mad at me she still is blaming me for not saying no to that trip even though it was an accident that was fatal.

You don't know that but after that, I tried to kill myself a few times but Jake saved me. He was there for me all the time and thank god he was. Because if he wasn't there at that time, I wouldn't be alive now and had two most amazing children that I have now.

After the funeral, Caleb disappeared. We didn't know for years where he was and what happened to him.

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