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Pros and Cons

Jimin POV

Living with Jungkook won't be easy, but it also won't be that difficult, I just need to get used to his... hobby?... But here I am! Patiently waiting for Jungkook to cook the food he's making us, I think it's pancakes!

" So...Jungkook, since you're a... y' know... Camboy? " I say, causing him to hum in response.

" I was wondering if there's anything else you should warn me about?... " I ask him, fiddling my thumbs. He turns around to look at me.

" Oh? Well, I have a few things I'd like you to keep in mind. " Jungkook told me, he gave me a light smile with his brown like eyes, they were pretty... " Well? What are they? I asked him, I was pretty curious about what else kind of things he does. So far he only knows where We only know where we were born, our age, and other information which aren't too personal.

" You see Jimin, I'm sort of a narcissist, although I'm not mean, I just loooovee being praised on how sexy my body is, I also do weight lifting, I can play lots of sports, people like my personality, my appearance, I can dance, sing, rap, make amazing art, I'm pretty smart too and people praise me for that, it gives me a lot of confidence.

Wow, he has tons of talents, I wish I was like him. Usually, people I meet have a lot of insecurities about things. This guy, Jungkook, is surely something different.

" Ah! The pancakes are done! " Jungkook's face brights up as he slides the pancakes on the plate, one for him and one for me.

" Eat up, Jimin! " I slowly dig into the food, but once my mouth had its first bites, I instantly got hooked and ate some more. He can cook amazingly too!

" W-Wow! This is just pancakes but it tastes really good! " I smile at him, signaling it's delicious.

" Glad you like it Jimin! I get those things a lot. " Jungkook then decided to dig into his own meal. I was so focused on my food I didn't recognize Jungkook was leaning towards me until I feel his thumb rub something off my face.

" Sorry, you just had some syrup on your lips, hehe. " He told me, showing his bunny teeth. It was so adorable. I blushed.

" So, Jimin. I was wondering, since we are roommates and everything, and we just met yesterday. I was thinking if we could go and hang out? Just you and me? " I look at Jungkook, he was staring at me back with a sort of smug face but it was super innocent and cute.

" Yeah, of course, I'd love to! " I told him, smiling at the younger, it was sweet of him that he wanted to get to know me better. He's like a person sucked out of a romance drama! He was too perfect to be real... makes me wonder if he ever has any flaws. I mean, EVERYONE has flaws, right?

" Great! How about this Saturday? I'll surprise you " Jungkook told me, winking. I blush at the action, where is my confidence? Why is he making me feel like this? He's tearing down all my walls of confidence and I can't explain how, or why. But that doesn't mean I don't encourage myself to talk. I quickly gave him a quick smile and said

" Sure! Saturday can do, want to go at 6? " I ask him, staring into his expression. He then nodded signaling it's a plan, going straight back into eating his DELICIOUS breakfast he made for us.

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