Not Discontinued Forever

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You've seen the title. It has {Discon-Fucking-Tinued} on it. But is it REALLY discontinued FOREVER?

Of course not.

I was in a bad mood when I discontinued this. But I realized this is my second most popular book (after MH ofc-) and Im pretty much abandoning the book yall asked for. It may seem boring now, but itll get better eventually.

So, in conclusion, its not gonna be discontinued forever. Meaning Ill have a chapter up in a week or 2.

Or 3, I have a lotta books to work on.

Be prepared for chapter 9 when it comes out, and lets see how it turns out. Thats if yall want this continued

Keep calm and sleep on,

I'll Kill for My Spinel (Yandere Steven x Spinel) {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now