2: Guilty Fear

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-9 pm-

Since Steven got to the University, he didn't think he'd be feeling as much fear as he did. Even though he was outside of the dorm most of the day, finding Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth as well, he couldn't get that girl out of his mind. It was something about her that brought chills down his spine. And it didn't help the fact that she said she didn't bite hard.

Without Confirming she wasn't gonna bite at all.

But then again he could just be scared over nothing, right? Maybe she just looks intimidating and was actually just harmless. He hoped that was it...and he hoped he didn't have bite marks when he woke up in the morning.

Steven took out his phone and looked at his contacts. 45 messages and 12 missed calls from his mother. "Classic mom..." he said quietly as he read through the messages:

"Dont text while you're driving there!"

"Are you there? Are you alright? Do you wanna come back home? Cuz Ill go pick you up if you wanna come bacc-"

"Did you pack enough clothes?"


"Steven is there a girl in your dorm-"

Among others. Not that he was gonna answer them, ESPECIALLY not the last one. "Ought as well face time them like I promised." He told himself as he was about to tap the FaceTime button. However, he looked to his side, where Spinel was cuddled in her black sheets, an un-lit cigarette in her hand while she was sleeping peacefully and holding the golden locket on her chest. surely she'd easily be pissed off if he had awoken her with the FaceTime-ing. And he didn't wanna get his ass kicked by her either.

So to play it safe he walked into the dorm's bathroom and locked the door, soon contacting his supposed mother. And expected, she immediately answered. 

"Steven! Thank god you're ok...you don't know how relieved I am to see you!" Pearl said frantically in the only way she knows best (the Karen way-). A mug of coffee was visible beside her, showing she was expecting this call. "I've been waiting for you to contact us!"

"Heh, I could tell. How long have you been up? It's unlike you stay up this late."

"Well ya know...4 or 5 hours at most along with 10 cups of coffee. But I'm glad it was all worth the caffeine." She took another sip of her coffee while taking a breath to calm down her caffeine-rush. "So, howse college so far? Found any of your friends?"

Steven hesitated a  bit, thinking about his terrifying room-mate. He knew Pearl wouldn't feel comfortable with him being a dorm-mate to a girl, let alone one that looks like she's been in a gang. "It's pretty decent, at least. The deans are really nice, and it's a fancy place! Plus turns out Bismuth, LApis and Peridot are here to, so I have that."

"I'm glad to here that. So, howse your dormmate??"

Fuck me...

"Well..." the young adult rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "She's pretty scary-"

At first, Pearl seemed chill as she sipped her coffee some more. "Ah, well, sometimes it's scary meeting new people and-" Finally, she realized what he had said. "HOLD UP....SHE?!? YOUR DORM MATE IS A GIRL?!?!"

Fuck me harder-

"Shh, Pearl! And yes, it's a she. A very scary one at that. But not that bad!"

"Oh no no no this is bad- my worst nightmare is coming true! Has she been putting a move on you? Has she hurt you? Want me to go to that University and give her a piece of my mind!? Better yet, I'll have them move you to another dorm!"

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