3: College Life

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Steven couldn't stop thinking about Spinel, about her personality, about her face when he got done talking to Pearl. And about her tears running down her cheeks. It almost kept him awake most of the night. What kept him up was the guilt that poured throughout his veins. He'd been talking all the shit he could about her and it turns out there may be more to her story than he thought.

The abundant sunlight had burned Steven's eyes and awoken him. Spinel was still on her side clutching her necklace pendant and her face was littered with black tear markings.

'I wonder how long she's been crying...' Steven thought as he climbed out of bed and got into the warm shower. He considered himself lucky, knowing some colleges didn't have bathrooms connected to them: they were usually with a public shower room where everyone goes in at once. After drying his hair he looked into his planner and saw he should be in his first class, Ethics of Therapy (is that a class?), in 25 minutes. That would give him enough time to hang out with Peridot a bit since she's in the class next to him, possibly grab some donuts and if there's time left check his messages from his fam, which he was sure was filled with concerns from the worrisome Pearl.

'Classic mom...'

*knock knock knock!*


*knock knock knock!*

"Steven! Wake your ass up, it's time to turn from dumbasses to half-intelligent people!"

*knock knock kno-*

Before they could knock anymore, Steven beat them to the punch. He smiled as he saw Lapis, wearing a white tea with a blue hoodie wrapped around her waist with a hand on her hip. "Bout time you woke up, I thought I was gonna have to kick this bitch down." She joked, though there was a high chance she meant it. That scared him.

"Lapis! I'm shocked you stopped fucking Peri long enough to come over here," Steven remarked back, earning an eyeroll and a playful - yet painful - punch to the arm, making him wince from her strength.

"Keep saying stuff like that, you're just mad you haven't been laid yet, virgin," she said sarcastically. Steven started to blush at her remark, she noticed this and started laughing. "I was just joking! Besides don't feel bad..." She smirked. "I heard you got a girl room-mate. She may be easy, make sure to wear some protection though, ya hear?"

His blush had deepened and Lapis was still laughin her ass off. He knew she meant no harm but it still made him nervous with all her sex talk. He hadn't even held a girl's hand yet and she's giving him the talk. Then again, she's older than him, and like an older sister. While Amethyst was at her own college, she had took her place.

He tried to brush off the conversation. "S-so...Lapis. What brings you over here anyways?" He asked, still a tad bit pink.

"Well..." she grinned taking out 2 shirts, one pastel yellow, the other pastel blue. On both were big bold letters inside of a diamond saying FAIRHEART UNIVERSITY on the front. On the back was F U. "Check it out, they were giving these away and I snagged a few. And guess what? If you say F U individually it'll be like you're flicking someone off!"

"Of course that'll be your favorite part of it, anything not kid friendly is in your favor. Did you really come here just to give me a shirt?" He said, taking the yellow one.

"No," answered Lapis. She threw the blue one towards Spinel. "I brought one for your girlfriend too."

"She's not my-"

"I actually came to get you so you can hang with me and Peri. We have a while before classes anyway so why not?"

'Huh...I mean, I guess I'm an adult now. I can handle risking getting in trouble with Lapis, right?'

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