1 - the event

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I smiled as the bright lights practically blinded me as I held my three awards in my hands. People called my name in all directions and while I was looking around I noticed a hunched over figure on the side of the road, shaking gently as if they were crying.

I walked away from the crowd and handed the awards to my manager to go see the figure. As I got closer I could hear the muffled sobs of the girl.

I sat next to her on the curb and hugged her.
"Are you ok?" I asked the shaking figure, she didn't answer, just cried more. I pulled her closer as the reporters aimed their cameras at us.

I flipped them off and suggested to the girl,
"Let's not do this here, do you wanna go to Starbucks?"

She nodded and I helped her stand as we walked to a nearby Starbucks.
As she came into the light in the cafe, I recognised her face.

"Zen-Zendaya?" I stammered "omg you're so amazing, you were nominated for two awards today right? Why are you upset?"
"I didn't win either, there was a lot of pressure on me to win them, from everybody."

The flashes of cameras still bombarded us from outside but they couldn't hear us through the glass so I just rolled my eyes and sighed.
I looked back to Zendaya.

"Pressure from who?"
"My family, parents, friends, fans,"
"I don't know if I can face the world,"
"It will be fine, I promise, hey you wanna come back to mine?" She nodded in reply as I called an Uber. We stood up and Zendaya sniffed. I pulled her into a hug and held her hand as we left, pushing through the reporters, keeping our heads down.

When we got home, I turned up the heating but I didn't turn on the lights as I knew my brother would most likely be asleep in his room and I didn't want to wake him up or his little girl.
I indicated for Zendaya to be quiet as I guided her upstairs to my room.

When we got up the stairs I brought her into my room.
"Sorry my brother, Ethan, and his daughter have a room downstairs and I didn't want to wake them,"
"It's fine, don't worry about it,"
"Can I get you anything? A drink, a snack?"
She shook her head and sunk into the bed. I sat next to her and hugged her warmly, soothingly rubbing her back, a trick I had learnt from my brothers daughter, Isabel.

She wept into my shoulder, making my dress a bit damp but I didn't mind, it's not like I was ever going to wear it again.

I wasn't too keen on events. I didn't mind them and always went but I would rather be at home in sweats binging a random Netflix show and eating ice cream out the tub.

Then again, I'm shy, awkward and bad at socialising so I do have an excuse.

"Shhh," I said softly and Zendaya's cries quietened.

"Stay here I'll get you some clothes. I went to my cupboard and pulled out some pyjama shorts and an oversized T-shirt. She smiled gently as I gave them to her.

"You can change in here I'll go in the bathroom," she didn't answer, just wiped her face and nodded slightly.

Once I was done I knocked on the door to make sure I could come back in.

"Yeah?" Came the reply.
I opened the door and saw she had got changed and the clothes fit her all right.

" You can take your makeup off in the bathroom with the things on the side," I said. I had already taken my makeup off after I got changed.

She disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. I cleaned my room a bit and sort out the bed. I went up to the third floor of the house and peered into my parents room. They were snoring softly and I headed to the bottom floor. I poured two cups of water and checked on Ethan and Isabel on my way back to my room.

When I got back to the room, Zendaya was sitting on my bed staring at her phone. I gave her the cup of water and she took a sip before putting it on the side.

She showed me the article she was looking at.
*A crying Zendaya is comforted by the Oscar-winning Y/N*
I sighed and pulled her in for another hug. She took a deep breath against my chest and her voice wobbled as she exhaled.

"It's late," I say, "you should get some rest,"
"Yeah, ok," she agrees and looks at me.
"You take the bed, I'll go to the sofa,"
"What? No you can't sleep on the sofa!" She said.
"It's fine, honestly, you take the bed,"
She paused. Then sighed and caved.
"Ok, if you're sure," she caves.
"I'm sure," I say as I grab a blanket and my phone and head downstairs.
"Also, if you want to charge your phone there is a charger down the left side of the bed,"
"Ok, thanks, by the way, for everything,"
I lay on the sofa and pull out my phone. The media is going wild from the events of the night. I sigh, put my phone on charge by the tv and pull the blanket over me as my breaths deepen as I fall asleep.

Hi, this is my first story so I don't expect anyone to read it but if you do, comment any suggestions. Thanks for reading.
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