13 - the next morning

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Light streamed in through the windows and I squinted my eyes at what was around me. We were in the bedroom of the yacht, Z asleep next to me and the sun rising outside. The clock read 4:55.

I slipped out of bed and went outside. The sunrise was beautiful. You could sit at the back of the boat on the deck and watch the sun slowly and gradually lift into the sky.

I sat there for a long time, swimming in my thoughts. The clouds drifted away and the sky changed colour and eventually Daya found me watching the sky.

"Hey, watcha doing?"

"Thinking," I replied and she sat next to me in the back of the boat. She put her head on my shoulder and slid her arm round my waist. We sat there for a moment, staring into the distance, before she took my chin and made me face her. She kissed me gently before breaking the kiss and looking straight into my eyes.

"What you thinking about?" She asked, he gorgeous eyes still piercing into mine.

I sighed.

"Why do you have to be so god damn sexy," I huffed.

She raised an eyebrow
"Cuz I have to live up to your standards," she replied.

I bit my lip and glanced down at her parted lips. I kissed her again, more passionately this time. She kissed back but pulled away after a while.

"Don't avoid the question," she said. I sighed and laid down on my back. I stared at the sky, tears started to form in my eyes and Z took my hand in hers.

"My parents," I managed, my voice about to break. Daya shuffled to behind me and put my head in her lap. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my face in her hands.

The drive to the studio was long but it gave me time to sort out my thoughts. Daya squeezed my hand, knowing what I was thinking and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and blocked my thoughts as we pulled onto the set.

Z and I headed to our trailer. We grabbed a lemonade each and laid on the sofa together. I leant on her as we sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying the other's presence. But I eventually had to go and film.

When I got back from the set, Z wasn't in the trailer. I assumed she had gone on a walk or gone to the shops so I sat on the sofa and started to watch Netflix.

About an hour had passed. I'd texted Daya a few times and tried to call her but she wasn't picking up. I was starting to get a bit worried so I went on a walk to clear my head and see if Z had gone out.

While I was out, my phone buzzed. It was the news. There had been an earthquake in LA.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself. I immediately called Z and she finally picked up. I could hear sniffling on the other side of the line.

"Oh my god, babe I just saw the news, are you ok, why going on, where are you?" I cried down the phone.

"I'm at the airport," she began

"Oh, ok which one?"

"One in LA," she answered quietly. I hesitated for a moment before sighing.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked calmly.

"Well, my mum and brother got hurt pretty bad, I haven't heard anything else yet though,"

"Ok," I said.

"I'm really sorry, don't be mad at me,"

"It's fine, it's ok, I understand," I breathed, gathering my thought.

"I need to go now, my car is here,"

"Ok, text me when you get home, promise?" I said and she agreed and promised.

As soon as I hung up the call with Z, I immediately called my brother. Her picked up immediately.

"Hey bro," I said

"Hey sis," his voice broken and quiet.

"I saw the news, any problems at home?"

"Well no ones properly hurt. I broke my leg but that's it,"

"You broke your leg?"

"Yeah, but I'm fine,"

"Ok, how's Issy,"

"Shaken but not hurt except for a few scratches,"

"Good, yeah. I'm on my way home."

"As in here or in Italy?"

"There," I replied.

"What about filming?"

"Fuck filming,"

752 words. Sorry updating has been slower, I was a little stumped but it's better now but I'm not sure if I should continue or not. Opinions, thoughts?

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