Chapter 2

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*the next morning outside on top of the roof where the helicopter was*

Ellie, Max, and Will were standing outside on the roof getting ready to leave. 

Will: okay now that you guys are ready to go, we have a hotel room for you both located at your first stop, Paris.

Max: we won't let you down.

Will: I know you won't.

(Max got in the helicopter, Ellie and Will were still talking outside.)

Will: Ellie?

Ellie: I'll be fine dad. 

Will: don't let me down.

(Ellie jumped into the helicopter that was about to leave. as the helicopter flew away Will was watching them.)


*In Paris*

(Max and Ellie were sitting in a cab driving to their hotel)

(Ellie was going threw their assignment and showing Max some stuff on the company IPad.Max was just looking at Ellie) 

Max: Hey, you okay about this?

Ellie: Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine, now we are here, My dad said they left a file with our disguises.

*In the hotel room*

Ellie: here the file.

(The file was sitting on one of the beds, Ellie grabbed it was reading what they had to be.)

Ellie: Ellie brown is the daughter of the mafia... are you kidding me??? Max Stamp is a company man. 

Max: well at least I'll be out of your way right?

Ellie: good point.

Max: (exhales loudly) okay I'm gonna go help bring the bags up.

Ellie: don't forget the gun bag.

Max: got it, your royal highness. 

(As Max left Ellie sat down at the vanity that was in the room. She was just looking into her reflection when she got a bad memory of the last time she worked on a case with the Mafia.)

*a hours later*

(Max was sitting on one of the beds sorting the files, Ellie was trying to figure out her disguises at the same vanity she sat at.)

Max: so I hope you don't mind me asking but what actually happened in your last case?

(Ellie turned around in her chair and was looking at him.)

Ellie: well, I was told to take the stolen diamond case with this same guy. My dad recruited me and my sister Sadie. we were the perfect team but because of one of my wrong moves, they killed her. 

Max: Oh I'm so sorry for your loss.

Ellie: This is why I have always worked alone since that because I might be the cause another innocent loses their life.

Max: now I understand.

Ellie: and, I never wanted to work with another man because I used to date one of the best agents we had at the CIA. he turned on me and was originally was part of the mafias team. 

Max: dam I missed a lot.

Ellie: you better keep up because if you gonna be apart of this team you need to know every single thing that happens. Understand?

Max: got it.

Ellie: now use those navigating skills and tell me about the first thing we need to do?

Max: the first step is to attend this party that the mafia host every year to celebrate. we need to enter his office and download all of his information about the where he is hiding the virus and what he is planning to do with it. 

Ellie: okay how will we get in, they know our faces.

Max: that's why our disguises come in handy. we will have to pose as the daughter of the mafia and her boyfriend who runs this terrorist organization.  

Ellie: okay but there's a problem her daughter is still alive and will be at that party and will look nothing like me. 

Max: that's the good thing, Meagan won't be here because she went on a trip so you'll be able to pass as her. your lighter than her but she is and will be gone for a long time.

Ellie: if you say so.


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