3. Learning

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I almost fell out of the tree when I heard that. I turned around to see a boy, well not a boy. He was around my age, maybe older. "Who are you? And where am I?"

"Hmm, well I am Cameron. and you are at, what I call, Meadow's Point." He had short-ish brown hair, dark brown eyes, and he looked taller than 6 foot.

"Okay, why am I at Meadow's Point? I mean it's lovely and all, but I don't remember ever coming here." He just laughed and  looked out at nothing.

"You don't just get here. You have to do something first. And by the way, what's your name?" You don't just get here? What in the?

"How do you get here? I'm Caterina Thompson, but you can call me Cat."

"Welk Cat, you first get in an accident and then you get here." His smile faded and he looked into my eyes. "You are in a coma."

My eyes grew wide, I lost all feeling in my body and fell out of the tree. "What?!" I sat up on the ground, I felt nothing. Nothing broke, no scrapes, nothing. He jumped down and helped me up.

"See, you feel no pain here. But we aren't dead. We are just waiting for our bodies to let us back in. I know it sounds weird, but it's what happens." I was so confused about all this and it was hard to take it all in. "Come with me." He started running over the hill, so I chased him and followed, as he told me.

We eventually came to a little creek. It was small and there was a tree on the bank with a tire swing. It was a beautiful site. He looked back at me and kinda made a face like 'so you like it?' "I love it. It's just so breath taking. Cameron, how did you find this?"

"I've been here a while. I like to adventure and one day I found this little thing and then I just stayed here until someone new would show up. And then I would go meet them, keep them company, and then they would leave." He looked at his feet and I saw a tear drop on his shoe. Me being a good person, I pulled him into a tight hug and he hugged back. We stood there for what feels like forever, but I pulled back, seeing him with puffy, red eyes. I wiped his tears with  my jacket sleeve.

"I don't know when I will leave, or even if I leave. But if I do, I promise to find a way for you out of here." He smiled a little and hugged me again.

"Thank you. No one has said that to me yet." I am on the verge of bawling my eyes out right now. I made a promise, and I will keep it. I just smiled and he returned it. "Oh hey! Wanna see my little house?"

"Well of course." He grabbed my hand and started walking down the bank. It started getting dark so it was a good idea to get some shelter.

We walked for about 15 minutes and arrived at a big, yet small, treehouse. It wasn't too big, it was cute size. Just perfect size for a few people. We climbed up a ladder and crawled into a room. It had a little sofa, some blankets and pillows, and some shelves with food. It was weird because there were probably no stores here, so it confused me a bit.

"How do you have this stuff?"

"Oh right. You can do just about anything here. That includes make objects appear, build anything, you know that stuff."

"Okay, so what about the other people. Didn't they make stuff for it here?"

"Well yeah, but once you leave, all the things you made go away. Just disappear in thin air."

"Have you gotten lonely?"

"Yes. I get very lonely."

"Well, why don't you make people appear and just be made up, or something like that."

"You can't. I've tried."

Hey guys, another update. Sorry about all the changing and stuff but I promise I am all done with that. But I have changed this to just a teen fiction because I thought it would be better. Sorry, Lukey Pookie is out. But I am making a fanfic about him too so dont worry about that. Well It is currently 1:20 so I need to go to bed! Comment ideas and vote please. Love you, byee!

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