9. Choices

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I wasn't really sure if this was a happy moment or a really depressing one. I mean, it's great that I get to see my friends and family, but I wish Cameron would have came with me.

That's been the one thing on my mind. Cameron. He is in this hospital, and the nurse, well his mom, said that I could see him today. I wish he would wake up, but that probably won't happen for a while... He said he has been in a come for a long time, so just because I came along most likely won't change anything. It's just I really want to see him.

His mother probably tries to wake him up everyday. I guess it won't hurt if another person was to try. I will get to go to his room today, with his mother of course, and try to wake him up. Since, he has been in a coma he will look just as how he left. ((So like right before his accedent, which will be discussed later, how he looked then will be how he looks in the coma until he wakes up, if he wakes up ;))) But if he looks different now, it wont matter to me, I still love him more than anything. I have 30 minutes until Angie's, his mom, shift is over, then she is taking me to his room . I couldn't wait to see him, so I got ready in 10 minutes, then sat on my bed, lokking through Twitter.

Minutes had gone by and then Angie walked in. She had my wheelchair, since I was to weak to walk without support and I was too lazy to use my walker. I sat down and she wheeled me out the room. I was so ancious to see him, to see if his skin was tanned, if his hair was shortish and brown, if his skin was still warm. I just wanted to see him...

We arrived to a room. 204. ((Idk how these are numbered so I make it my own way)) "Here it is." Angie spoke so soft, yet tight. I nodded and we walked, well I was pushed, in. His room was warmer than the hospital hallways. But it was still the same look.

I seen the bed, the sheets, the moniters, and him. Cameron. But he was pale, and skinnier. His hair was longer, but not to much.

We wheeled next to him and Angie looked to me with glassy eyes, then spoke " I will uh, leave you to talk. I'll be right out the door." And she turnwd the left.

I put my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. He couldn'y hold on, so I held on for him. "Hey" One tear slipped down my cheek. "I'm here now. And I'm healthy. But I have to stay for a while to build muscle I guess. I don't exactly know." I chuckled a little and I didn't notice, but my vision was blurry and my face was stained from tears. "I hope you are having fun in there. I did. What did you do last night? I had to go to sleep after I seen my mom and Fay. I remember telling you that." Tear "I remember you telling me your mom's name, but you could've told me she was a nurse. In fact, she's my nurse. Okay. So I remember what you told me before I left. I miss you, and I miss what we did. When we imagined that big skyscraper and then we dove off it... Or when you carved my name into the tree... Or when-... Sorry, if you actually could hear me I know you'd be telling me to shut my face." I laughed and dried under my eyes with the back of my hand. "You know it would be great if you just woke up right now." I spoke dryly. "And then we could be together again and we could be happy."

Just as I was saying goodbye, Angie walked in. "Hon, um, well." She was nervous about something. Then some man stepped in behind her.

"Hi, I'm Jake. I'm Cameron's father." He stalked towards me with a hand out. I shook it and he smiled widely at me. Why was this guy so happy? HIS SON IS IN A COMA.

"Hello sir. I'm Cat, a friend of Cameron's" Well, if I could have anything right now, it would for Cameron to wake up and for this awkward silence to end.

Angie chirped in "Jake, I told you he was fine. Now if you would please just go." She stepped aside from the door and stayed looking at the ground. I heard her sniffle and a tear dropped.

Jake's smile fell and he looked to Angie with sadness in his eyes. She still wouldn't look up. "Well, it was nice to meet you Cat. I hope to see you again somwtime, bye." And he swiftly left the room.

"What was wrong with him staying" I blurted out

"He is part of the reason why Cameron is in that hospital bed."

OH MY GOSH hey guys! Sorry I havent updated in forever. Its just, I lost all my inspirationa dnI cant thinkstrait SO PLEASE DONT HATE ME FOR NEVER UPDATING. Well you see I dont have alot of time anymore either, between getting ready for highschool and all the tests and homework I just cant sit down and write anything. Buttt I promise that from now on I will update a LOT sooner than this one. Thank you, Byee!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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