Chapter 1

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Roman was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he got to King's Cross Station. He couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts and see his friends Logan and Patton. He was so glad his O. W. Ls were finally over. True, he hadn't gotten as high grades as he hoped he would but that didn't really matter when he was going to be a Quidditch star. Best Keeper the Gryffindor team has ever had, that's what his dad said.

"Roman! Are you just going to stand there dreaming or are we going to get onto the platform?!" Remus, his younger brother, yelled in his ear. "I wanna see Janus!"

Roman rolled his eyes and glared at his brother before racing towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10. The wall disappeared and they were on Platform 9 3/4.

Remus looked around but he couldn't see anything in the smoke-filled platform so he went off to find his boyfriend. Roman, knowing that his friends would be a little late, stood by the platform wall.

"Heya Kiddo!"

"Salutations Roman."

"Hi guys." Roman beamed at his two friends. Patton was the kindest Hufflepuff you could get and Logan was the smartest Ravenclaw. They were basically the poster boys for their Houses.

"So... is there anything you want to tell me?" Roman asked, grinning mischieviously.

"Okay, so maybe I took your advice and I might've asked Logan out." Patton said in a small voice. Roman punched the air.

"Yes! It was so annoying having you both tell me how much you liked each other and then you were too shy to actually say-"

"Moving on!" Logan said firmly, uncomfortable with the memory of the amount of times he had gone on a longwinded praise of all things Patton. "What did you get for your O. W. L results?"

"Nothing too great." Roman said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I got an E several As and two Ps."

"Well, you should've studied more." Logan said, straightening his tie.

"Ah, come on Logie. We all know that you got all Os. Give Roman a bit of credit, he got an E." Patton said, practically hanging off Logan's arm. "I got mostly Es and a D which I'm not too pleased about."

"You'll be fine, Pat." Roman reassured as the whistle for the train blew.

"We had better hurry if we don't want to miss the train." Logan said. The thing was, Roman had already sped off towards the train so he really didn't need to say that.


Janus and Remus were looking for an empty compartment. There was one but there was already someone there. He was a small boy, black hair and grey eyes and he seemed absorbed in his notebook. Carefully, Janus opened the compartment door and knocked on the glass. The boy jumped and looked up. "Hi." Janus said, smiling and pulling his hair over the left side of his face. "Can we sit here?"

"Oh. Um, sure." He said, closing his notebook hurriedly. Janus smiled at him and pulled Remus into the compartment. He noticed the boy had a Ravenclaw tie and a little pride badge.

"I'm Janus and this is Remus." He said, holding out his hand. The boy smiled at him but didn't shake his hand.

"I'm Virgil." He muttered.

"Whatcha drawing, Virgie?" Remus asked. Janus shot Remus a sharp look.

"It's Virgil, actually and I'm just sketching something quickly. Nothing special." He said, smiling slightly before looking back down at his notebook.

"What House are you in? I'm a Slytherin!" Remus said, puffing out his chest.

Virgil pulled at his tie to draw Remus' attention to it. "Oh, so you're smart?"

"No, not really. Just creative, I suppose." Virgil mumbled, sketching something quickly in his notebook. Janus pulled his hair in front of the left side of his face again. Virgil looked up at him and cocked his head to the side before looking back down at his sketchbook.

"Um, d'you wanna be friends?" Janus asked. Virgil looked up at him, eyes wide and surprised.

"You-you're being serious?" Virgil asked, hope creeping into his voice. "This isn't a prank or a dare?"

"No. Why would you think it was?" Janus asked. Virgil looked down and mumbled something before looking back at Janus and Remus with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah. I-I'd like to be friends. I-If that's alright with you."

"You bet, Virgie!" Remus said, beaming. "Virgil, sorry."

Virgil smiled a little and let out a small laugh. "It's okay, Remus. I've just never had a nickname that's nice before."

"Really? Why?" Virgil looked down and bit his lip. "Hey, it's alright. You can trust us." Janus said kindly.

"I-I'm not normal." Virgil muttered. Remus laughed slightly and received a disapproving look from Janus.

"None of us are normal, Virgil. We're wizards!" Remus said, making Virgil laugh a little again.

"Yeah, I guess. But I'm not 'normal' in the sense that I'm not like other wizards." Virgil looked up at the other two through his fringe. "I-I'm gay."

"Virgil, that's completely normal!" Janus said. Virgil looked at Janus sceptically. "You want to see something that's not normal in the slightest?" Janus asked and Virgil's brow furrowed.

"I-I mean, maybe?" Virgil said, unsure.

Janus smiled slightly and pulled his hair away from the left side of his face. It was dark like the rest of his face but spotted with thousands of white spots, giving the impression of snake scales. "Tada." He said, laughing slightly at Virgil's open mouth. "It's okay to stare. I've had for as long as I can remember."

"That's awesome!" Virgil breathed.

"Oh, thanks." Janus said, smiling again and un-tucking his hair from behind his ear.

"See? I told you it was awesome, Janus!" Remus said, hugging Janus' arm. Virgil snickered slightly. "What's so funny, Virgil?"

"You just look cute together, that's all." Virgil said, sketching something quickly in his notebook.

"Thanks, I guess?" Janus said as Virgil laughed slightly. "What're you drawing now?"

"That's a secret. I'll show you when we get to Hogwarts." Virgil said, snickering again.

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