Chapter 9

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Virgil ran all the way back to the castle and collided with someone at the entrance. He stood up from the ground and ran off, ignoring the yells of his name. He got to the Great Lake and threw himself down at the edge. Grabbing his new sketchbook, he started drawing, letting his mind go into auto-pilot. By the time he had finished his drawing, his eyes were completely dry and his robes were soaked with his tears. Looking at his drawing, he let out a dry sob and curled into a ball.

The drawing was of two boys, their hearts connected by a string. That string looked like it had snapped, leaving one of the boys with tears in his eyes. The boys held a striking resemblance to Roman and Virgil, the latter being the one crying.

"Heya Virgil." A voice said as he heard someone sit down beside him. Looking up through new tears, he saw Janus. Virgil let out another sob and buried his head in his hands again.

"Virgil, what's wrong. You crashed into me, looking like you were going to have a panic attack and now- Virgil, what's this?" Janus asked, spying the drawing. He picked up the sketchbook and studied the drawing. "Virgil, is this you and Roman?"

"Y-Y-Yes. Oh, Janus I've been such an idiot!" Virgil sobbed into his own arms. "Roman asked me out and I said no and now he probably h-h-hates me!"

"Virgil, Virgil calm down." Janus said, rubbing Virgil's back. "Follow my breathing, in for four, hold for seven, out for eight."

Virgil slowly started to calm down.

"There. Now, I know for a fact that Roman doesn't hate you. He loves you, I know he does. And I'm guessing, from your reaction, you know that too."

Virgil nodded. "He asked me if I felt electricity when he held my hand and then he told me he felt it too and that was what love felt like. But I-I don't know if he's lying. He could be just like him, I don't want that!"

Janus rubbed Virgil's back, shushing him gently. "Virgil, Roman is nothing like him, believe me. He cares about you, he asked after you within two days of knowing you. Virgil, I know Roman and he's never cared about anyone else as much as he's cared about you."

Virgil looked at Janus, his eyes wide and shining with tears. "You promise?" He asked in a small voice, making Janus laugh a little.

"That question isn't for me to answer, is it? Come on, Virgil, you know what you need to do."

"Princey! Princey!"

Right now, Roman wanted nothing to do with Virgil. Instead of stopping or turing around, he started walking faster, wanting to get to the Quidditch pitch and escape it all.

"Princey, wait!"

Roman didn't realise he had been running until he had stopped to catch his breath. He quickly changed into his Quidditch Robes and grabbed his Firebolt.

Kicking off from the ground, Roman swooped around the Quidditch Pitch, finally feeling free. He charmed some Quaffles to throw themselves at the Scoring Hoops and practiced catching them. What he didn't realise was that a Bludger had gotten lose.

"Princey! Princey!"

Virgil was screaming now, getting frantic and panicked. There was a Bludger headed straight for the back of Roman's head.

"Princey behind you!"

Too late. The Bludger had met it's mark and Roman fell forwards, his broom still in mid-air. Virgil tried calming himself down and pulled out his wand. "Wingadium Leviosa!" He yelled, pointing his wand at Roman and guided his unconscious body to the ground.

"Right, okay, calm down Virgil. Help, right. Get help." Virgil ran off, yelling the word help at the top of his lungs.


"What happened, Virgil?" Remus asked, running after Virgil with Janus, Patton and Logan.

"Bludger, Princey, head, unconscious." Virgil yelled, running down the slope towards the Quidditch pitch.

"Virgil, slow down."

"Can't!" Virgil yelled, running onto the Quidditch Pitch and over to Roman. "Princey? Princey, can you hear me?" Virgil asked, dropping to his knees beside Roman and shaking his shoulder.

"Roman?" Remus asked in a small voice, tears pricking his eyes. His eyes blazed. "This is all your fucking fault, Virgil." He growled.

Virgil stopped trying to get Roman to wake up and turned and stared at Remus in shock. "What?"

"If you hadn't been so fucking insecure then none of this would've happened!" Remus yelled at Virgil, tears pouring down his face. "My brother could be fucking dead because of you!"

"Rem, calm down. Roman isn't dead." Janus said, putting a hand on Remus' shoulder. "He'll be fine."

"No he fucking won't!" Remus yelled, wheeling around to face Janus. "He won't be alright because he's got it into his head that he's in love with that!" Remus yelled, pointing at Virgil. Virgil stood up and glared at Remus.

"Right now, Remus," he said, his voice full of venom, "I don't much care who Roman is in love with, all I care about is getting him to the Hospital Wing. Logan, can you help me?"

Logan nodded and created a stretcher and helped carry Roman up to the castle with Patton following behind, worried. Being the only two left on the pitch, Janus turned to Remus.

"That was probably the worst thing you could've said, Remus." He said and Remus winced at the use of his full name. "I would've expected better from my boyfriend."


Despite his best efforts, Remus' words kept circling Virgil's mind. Was this really his fault? He couldn't help being insecure, could he? Roman had remained unconscious for about a week now and, even though Madam Pomfery assured him otherwise, Virgil couldn't shake the thought that Roman wasn't going to make it.

Virgil spent a lot of time by Roman's sick bed, drawing and talking to Roman. I say to, he more talked at Roman but he liked to pretend that Roman could hear him. Virgil's pictures slowly got darker and more morbid. One of the pictures in question was that of a slight boy with black hair and grey eyes clutching a broken, dying heart and crying. Another picture was of two boys, one alive and healthy but unconscious and the other fully awake but thin as a skeleton, with no eyes in his skull. Virgil never showed these pictures to anyone but he still sketched them. Before, he had never been seen without his sketchbook and now he was always seen with his head lowered very close to said sketchbook and a pencil always dancing across it.


Virgil slid down the wall of the Owlery, remembering the last time he had been here with Roman. That was before the whole ordeal with Daniel and Virgil remembered it with a fond, if slightly heartbroken, smile. He had been so innocent and sure of his feelings back then. Now, his feelings were all over the place. He wanted nothing more than Roman to wake up but he was also terrified that Roman would blame him for getting hit with a Bludger. Virgil remembered that Roman had been singing. God, Roman had a beautiful voice. Virgil still got tingles up his spine as he remembered it and his face still warmed at the thought of pure joy that Roman had when he sang. Virgil sighed and looked down, unsurprised to find that his hand had been subconsciously sketching. What surprised him was the fact that this was the first happy picture he had drawn in a long time. It was a drawing of Roman, singing his heart out, eyes closed while Virgil sat in the corner, smiling slightly and listening. Virgil smiled slightly as he felt a tear slip down his cheek.

"Why are you crying?"

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